Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Thankful that Melody is going to help me in the garden on Sat.
She is so happy to be asked and yet I hesitate.

Thankful for Cathy and Glen dropping off some rice salad.
They came on their Motorcycles and both looked so happy They love being grandparents as well as riding their bikes.  They rode up to Smithers to see Gracelyn busy working there,

Thankful that dad had a good visit at the hospital where they took him right in with no waiting.  Just as he was settled in to do his puzzle, 

Thankful that after he came home we decided to leave all the things that needed doing and go to the movies.  The movie was Sulley about the plane crash on the Hudson River.  It was well down and brought out the part the air traffic controllers played and how devastating it was for hem to have a plane crash.
I came home a little dizzy from all the flying but sure glad we went.

I sometimes have to stop and realize how many things I have to be grateful for especially the everyday small things, small challenges!

Thankful for all the amazing changes our children have made in their lives.

I am thankful for my readers too and your comments helping us keep in touch!

Today dad has a call from the nurse at the hospital as they have questions they want answered.
The garage dad painted.
Yesterday's picture.


Sandra said...

Dont forget to write down your questions for the nurse!


Unknown said...

today our guests leave ,We have had a wonderful time with them.However tomorrow my cousin David arrives from England and we are looking forward to time with him.We are really appreciative that Elizabeth has very kindly lent her apartment to our cousins, whilst she visits both England and Africa.It is amazing that we can travel half way round the world in a matter of hours . The movie about the crash in the hudson would not be one to show on a plane trip same for "snakes on a plane"We will go see the crash movie. l am sure Geof would enjoy it. Bye for now . Love Jane

beth bennett said...

We do not seem to have any questions.

Enjoy your visit with David.

love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Now, how wonderful it this, to cast aside mundane chores and go to the movies...just like a couple of teenagers! What fun. Good for you two!

hmmmm, a rice salad. Never had one of those. Now I am going to google it. So nice of them to deliver it to you, and on motorcycles.

Well I am thankful for many things too, but want to mention I am thankful for finding you, my dear friend, through your blog. I am thankful for your astute and affirming messages on your blog and your faithfulness to it. You really are amazing to have written so regularly for so long. How many years has it been Beth? I think before this you kept a daily journal, right?

I kept a daily journal for about four years but got out of the habit.I like to make nature notes and it helped to get through some tough times as well.

I may have sold two paintings...hoping so! A couple got engaged on Scott Point, here at VB.Their parents are looking for a painting of the area to celebrate the occassion. They also like another one, so here is hoping!

Yesterday was a million dollar day....perfect blue skies, as strong breeze from the south and a warm sun. I worked outdoors for a lot of the day, preparing for winter. Cleaning up and putting away pots etc.

Our Son came and cut the lawn and cleaned the shop so I now can find things.In the evening one of Carls employees ( from when he had his business ) came and took apart our patio door, which was sticking badly. He cleaned it and it works like a charm now. It is 40 years old. Very thankful for good people .

Beth don't be afraid of asking for took us a long time to get over being proud and not wanting to admit that we cannot do some things and people are willing to help and there are people you can hire to do chores too.

How wonderful of your neighbour to help you in your garden.

Today is shaping up to be another stellar day. Only good thing ahead.

Love, Nancy