Sunday, September 18, 2016


Dad and I surprised Kim by showing up at the Country Fair.
What a surprise to see Ava and Jeff and son at the both right next door.  It has been awhile since they have seen each other.  Ava phoned to try and arrange a visit with us but Sept. is a crazy month.

It was much nicer to be there on a sunny day and so we walked around a few of the other displays.   There was a real crowd of people streaming in and out.  Lots of fun and creative things for the children to do.  A very happy place.  Dad and I enjoyed the drive in the country to get there.  Still lots of green leaves on the trees to make the drive so pleasant.

We were happy to have a visit with Randy and Sandra before we left.  They are full of plans that may include moving in to our place and put us up somewhere else.  Anyway we take it a day at a time.  Dad and I often do not agree on things but we are still very happy together!  He would not be happy if I always agreed with him!

Carol is at home doing her project of making a on line counseling project.

Rick is still not feeling very well but hopefully once they diagnose his problem they can restore his health.

Ben is playing out at Simon Fraser University.  I hope we can watch a game while Ken is here.

Thankful and happy Sandra will go from work to pick up Ken.
I love being there to see him arrive but this seems like a good plan.

Ken set word at 6 he is on the plane.  My prayers go with him.

Dad did not feel up to going to church so I was okay going myself.
Going to church makes me happy and often stirs up new questions to ponder.
The thought that God knows my name and loves me unconditionally is a wonder beyond words.
Kim is happy to see us.

                     Happy and excited and hope I can sleep!     Off to bed.


nancy-Lou said...

Happiness for me would be having our own vehicle to drive! Nothing yet from the insurance company and it has been 41 days. I don't want to upset them and call and force the issue because it is under judgement still. We should know by the end of the week what they are going to decide. Hoping for the best!

Funny that you say that you and Larry may not always agree on things, but you are still very happy together....because that is exactly what happens here too! After all these years of being married, I think of Carl like "an old shoe" comfortable! We do have our moments of disagreement, though...and he really likes to push me to do things.....too used to being boss to a crew of workmen. But I tell him he is NOT my boss. hahaha.

Is ken arriving today? You must be really excited to see him...

Is Larry's surgery tomorrow?

When is your anniversary?

Today is a really blustery fall day with strong winds coming off the lake. The power went out for a couple of hours, but is back on now. Thanks to our great hydro workers. It really feels like fall.

Have a great Monday,
Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Good that Kenny will be here for the anniversary. And to say hello to baby Ophelia. :)

