Tuesday, September 6, 2016


It is only when I wake up my drowsy self from the chesterfield and go for a short walk around the block that I see a brief glimpse of the sunset.  I  was getting dizzy and a little bored watching tennis.
A good game I really enjoyed as a teen-ager, boy that is ancient history.

I did manage a walk early in the morning when it started to warm up.  Dad was going to ride his bike but the mood passed.  It was time to do a big shopping after eating out so much.  We took something over to Leah and Craig and baby.  No one was home and the parking is unreal with all the places taken.  People were out walking their dogs so it is certainly dog friendly.   Maybe dad will want to move in there.

According to the book I am reading by Richard Rohr the ego, or false self, is what causes us problems not the devil,  Yes the ego makes us do weird things.  Yes there is buried within us a true self that wants to be recognized and heard.  It is important to take responsibility for my own happiness.

The ego on the other hand has the power to fill our lives with false promises that create a emptiness and inner sadness.  Jesus tells us to die to self as does Buddhism.  This is a process that means taking every thought captive and this hard for us to do whether we are committed to following Jesus or not.

``That God is utterly beyond me and totally with in me at the same time is the exquisite balance that religion strives to teach us.``

Outer authority teaches us that we are special
but maturing inner authority teaches that we are all special.

```Religions job is to keep reminding us of what we know only in part.``

The true self always has something good to say while the ego is full of negative thinking.


nancy-Lou said...

Ego, is the downfall of quite a few people, including the egomaniac, Donald Trump. I don't have much patience with people who are full of themselves and pretentious.

Glad to hear you were able to get out for a walk Beth. Do you walk in the Watershed Park?
I am going to take the dogs for a good walk later on today after I come home from seeing Auto Pac about our van. The mother bear and her three cubs were tranquilized and taken to a remote area far away from the cottages. I was sorry to hear that....they have every right to be here, but the cottagers panic and called the police. They are fine if you don't bother them. It is the careless handling of garbage that attracts the bears. We still have a young bear here...he travels through our yard every so often.

Are you and Larry thinking of downsizing and moving into a town home? I know the time is coming for us to sell our house and move to the city or Selkirk. Travelling to the many doctor appointments Carl has is getting too expensive and too hard to do. We are so tired by the time we arrive home. We are hoping for one more winter here.

It was a chilly start to the morning with the temperatures at 7C. We had to turn on the heat for the first time since last spring. I see it is cooler at the coast too. Fall is here! The geese were flying south in huge noisy flocks yesterday.

I wish you a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Unknown said...

l am very impressed with your reading and your passing on of wisdom gained . lam doing very little actual reading althogh lam partway through 4 books one book is about learning to ask for what we need its called the art of asking or how l learned to stop worrying and let people help by Amadna Palmer an actress rock star and Ted speakerAn interesting mixture.l am only at the beginning. Our guests are going into Vancouver today by themselves so we will go to our usual wednesday morning sing along program which we both enjoy. Yes it might be time to think about downsizing but its not an easy choice. Take it easy and have a lovely day. love Jane.

Sandra said...

I am a little confused about the ego. So much of the talk these days is to love your self, to say no, to make your self first, blah blah blah.

What is loving your self and what is being full of your self?

But, I have not read too much about the ego so do not really know what I am talking about.

Randy has renamed all of the kittens, Darth Vader, Obi Wan, and Princess Lia. They seem to really like playing with him. Me on the other hand I clean up their litter boxes and give them their worm medicine so I am not the fun one.
