Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Sometimes all we see is the clouds.
The important reality is that clouds do exist as do negative thoughts of anger and fear but if I can see the light that reveals to me that it is important to know that seeing the goodness of God  and not trying to find goodness in myself.

Like most people we like to feel that we have accomplished something during our day that helps us feel good about our selves.  Yesterday dad and I both worked in the yard cutting grass and painting the shed etc.  Such a beautiful day, 

The thought of cooking just made me feel queasy so we drove over to Brown's right next door.  Monday a sale day for pizza's which day ate with no back after affects.  I wonder why they have to have all those screens with T.V. sports going constantly.  Do we always have to be entertained?  Does there always have to be loud music?

Today we drive to White Rock where dad has some tests to take before his operation.  It looks like another beautiful fall day with sunshine.

Humanly we struggle with our own goodness and sense of worth that can be like a cloud that shuts out the light.  We search for the meaning of life but deep within our souls there is a beauty and a goodness that has the potential to change us.

Belief in the goodness of God helps me to see the goodness within me.


Sandra said...

Ah, but there is goodness in your self. Same as all of us, a mixture of good and bad. Some weigh more heavily on one side over the other.

Another lovely September day, the best time of the year. Warm during the day, but nice and cool at night.


Unknown said...

What a lovely day it promises to be again today here on the west coast.Having visitors helps me to see the beauty of our province and to appreciate the many advantages we have living in Canada.yes life is good here but there are some dark spots work that has to be done to improve our health system particularly services for our mentally ill and finding a way to end the plight of the homeless.Well l think thats enough pontificating for today.Much love and may your day be blest. Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Sadly your comments about all the televisions and loud music in the restaurants and pubs reflect a younger population that doesn't know how to have a good conversation anymore.

Everything is so subjective and interactions with others is minimal. I fear for the future when we are so tied up in ourselves.

Just think of when we were young and we didn't have television, never mind all the electronic toys, smart phones and computers. We played board games and cards and older folks had parties with lots of good fun and conversations.
People played instruments and had bands and dances( barn dances our here), whist drives and box socials and they curled, played hockey and baseball. The kids played outside in winter and summer. Times sure have changed!

I am glad to hear that you are feeling well and were able to work outdoors. Good too, that you went our for supper is you didn't feel like cooking! I cook in quantity when I can and today we are having homemde cabbage roll soup that I had in the freezer. With scones that I made too.

There is a lot of goodness in you Beth...you always care so much for others.

I wish you a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy