Thursday, September 1, 2016


First Happy Birthday to all the Sept. birthdays.
Tasha, Sandra, Tyler, Leah, and Brittany.
Yes I am a great book lover.
I usually have a pile beside my bed.

I remember my mom taking me to the library at a very young age and also going on the street car.  We did not have a car.  Both my parents encouraged me to read and it has always been a part of my life.

My dad read westerns as he had a great interest in the outdoors and would eventually be a scout leader and take the boys out camping.  They really roughed it.  Growing up in England, South Shields, his world was quite different. 

I read all his books by Zane Gray and also mysteries by Agatha Christie.
I would also read animal stories and then later historical novels.  I will look for Phillipa Gregory at our library.

A love of reading is one of the many gifts my parents gave to me.

I usually have a book that I am reading just for pleasure as well as one that reminds me of all that I have to live for and much more to learn about life and the fullness that spirituality offers.

Along the way I have discovered what a treasure memories are.

Today Leah and Craig came over and we took them out to lunch.  A early birthday treat.  We are looking forward to doing the same with Tasha and Sandra.  Every year is different when we take time to celebrate the past and look forward to the future.

Deep inside each of us is a song that only we can hear that makes us special.

At the end of the day we count our blessings with thankful hearts.

Leah is seeing the doctor to-morrow and the doctor may help this little one to discover the many loving arms that wait to hold her.


Sandra said...

And the love of books has been passed on and on. I usually have more than one on the go, Mary has started reading more, and of course Simone has been reading for a long time!

Will be a quiet day for me today as Randy is doubling. Will putter around and maybe get out and pull a weed or two if the rain lets up.


Unknown said...

Books are wonderful things they open up whole new worlds . l usually have a pile by my bedside too .l am finding biographies particularly interesting especially when they involve spiritual growth. Our guests from England have arrived , it is a shame that the weather is not doing its best to show off our beautiful city but lets hope we have a bit of indian summer whilst they are here.Enjoy all your celebrations , Love Jane

nancy-Lou said...

Books....What a wonderful gift we have been given to have "love for books". We can escape from our every day problems and worries into a world of queens and kings or what ever appeals to you. The love of books has been passed down for four generations in your family and probably more if you could research further backwards.Now how great is this!

I found it interesting to hear about your Father, Beth who introduced you to all those action and outdoor books. Interesting too, to hear that he was born in England. Where abouts in England? My Grandmother was born in Basingstoke, in south west England. Her Father was a surgeon. But also ( as the family story goes) a philanderer....hmm that is quite word . So My Great Grandmother packed her four girls up and came to Canada. She was a strong woman and had a strong name, Charlotte.
These are my Mother's family. My Father was born in Belfast Ireland. Scots/Irish.

Did you read the Nancy Drew books and the Hardy Boys books? I read most of them when I was young.

I love Philippa Gregory's books. Years ago I read almost all of them and now have started to re-red them. The one I am currently reading is, The Wise Woman. I know Jane is reading the Other Queen now and that is an excellent book too, about Queen Mary.

Jane, do you have a fondness for the British tv shows too? I watch them most evenings on my TV box. Currently, I am watching A Place to Call Home. There are four seasons.

Well I am off to the library..have a great day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

My dad was born in Durham, South Shields.

He left home at 17 to join the army at
the tale end of the war, He was born in 1900.

Dad had four sisters and mom said they spoilt him.

He stayed on in Germany. He was good with languages.

He went to South America and then to Canada.

Dad and I were just talking about all the changes

they would have experienced.

Good the sun came out for your visitors Jane.

Love Beth

Mom was born in Lypton, Sask. and became a nurse.