Friday, September 30, 2016


What a beautiful surprise to arrive home from last minute shopping to find this lovely flowers waiting
for us.  They are from my dear friends at Colebrook Church.  Cards and greeting arrive with e-mails so we feel so loved and cared for.

The day was spent in Last minute shopping for family at home.  Ken will arrive as Santa does from the North.
  We were relate returning home so missed saying good bye to Carol and Panteli.  Sorry.
Weather in Melourne is very stormy so he can not be assured of his seat on the plane.

Our honey moon flight from Regina to
Vancouver was extremely bumpy.  A warning of difficulties ahead?
Friends of dad's mom and dad wmet us so we were thankful for that and took us to a motel close to their home.

Life seems to be like this that even when we are married or have children or travel our future can be unpredictable.

Prayers for a safe journey home.

Off to airport!

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

What beautiful festive fall colours! The congratulations are well deserved, Beth and Larry. So kind of your church friends.

You will miss your Son. Prayers for a safe journey home and no "bumping'. I bet the children are anxiously awaiting to see what surprises he has for them.

It was another beautiful fall day here with really warm temperatures for this time of year.
My son, Bob and I took my friends car over to Pine Falls and he washed and vacuumed it and I cleaned the inside so it is all sparkling clean when I return it to her tomorrow. It was so kind of her to lend it to us for a month.

Tomorrow is a piano lesson and a teen art class. We may go the march along Hidden Lake. If the weather is nice. Have to be careful though we have a bear or two around.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy