Tuesday, September 20, 2016


There was a problem the night before surgery when his special soap was missing.
Yes I had put it into the garbage because the bag was all crumbled up and looked empty.
Out into the cold dark and rainy day dad went to try to find it.  Then it turned out to be in the side garbage where I told him to look first but he did not hear me.

It was too bad as it should have been a time for inner peace!

In the morning Sandra arrived to drive to the hospital with Ken along as support.
Once there all went smoothly and everything was right where it was supposed to be.
All the staff were very caring and kind.
I was very thankful for the prayers of friends.
Prayers that all will go smoothly and his recovery will be quick.

Sandra took me shopping while he was in surgery and forced me to try on dresses so I will have some thing new for the upcoming party.  We also got some sheets so all that  it takes is a little help making decisions. 

We came home but it is hard to do anything but have a nap while Ken watched hockey.  Then he had a nap and I tried to read but find I am reading the same thing over and over.

A lovely day for a walk so I went for a walk and Sandra drove to pick dad up.
She would have on less old foggy to look after.
All has gone smoothly!


nancy-Lou said...

What good news! The surgery went well and Larry is back home recovering. Such good news too, to hear that Ken arrived safely after a journey from half way around the world and is there to help out. So nice too, that Sandra is there and took you shopping to get your mind off things....a great diversion and wonderful to hear you have a new dress for the upcoming happy occasion.

Take care Larry..rest lots and be careful. I bet you are going to watch the Canada USA hockey game tonight. We are too!

It was another beautiful autumn day as only the prairies can do! Bob drove me into Winnipeg in my friend's Volkswagon sport bug....it is old, 19 years old, but sure runs well. It is a standard and can leave other cars " in the dust" after stopping at traffic lights...lots of pick up. My friend, Susan is so very kind to lend it to us for so long. Hopefully the insurance claim will be settled in the next day or two.

I saw the doctor about the lesion on my nose. We stopped in for an ice cream on the way home and had a nice walk along the river. So blessed to have such a caring son...he sure looks after mom. Soon he will be starting back to work and won't be available in the day.

It was a "smoothly" day for is too!

Have a great evening,

Love, nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

I'm glad the soap was eventually located. And that Kenny has arrived safely.

Hope Dad is recovering nicely from the surgery.

Whitespot is a good place to go.

I am back at work this week.



beth bennett said...

All is well that ends well!

Unknown said...

Continued prayer for a smooth recovery. love Jane.

Sandra said...

It is nice to have the surgery behind you and new you and dad can work out what kind of diet will be best going forward.

Hope you and Kenny get a nice walk in, it looks like it will be a beautiful day.

Peanut has decided Lucy has been gone long enough and has started to howl at night. She slept in my room most of the night.


beth bennett said...

Yes we got a good walk in before hockey!