Saturday, October 4, 2008



The good news is that I am happy with my life and everyone says I look good; especially when I curl my hair!
I am so pleased that Larry is finished his radiation and has a positive future. Gaining back his energy and coping with the problems in his legs; numbness and pain will be an on-going struggle.
The good news is that we have an awesome family and we have lots of fun being together. Every-one seems to be coping reasonably well; yes I know exams are no fun, and work can be hard and children exhausting but this is all part of life.

I have a good husband except he worries too much about me especially as he thinks I am gone too long on my walks.

The good news for me as a great-grandmother is I get to just have fun with Ben and Morgan . I am looking forward to more and more great-grandchildren. I cannot wait to see our Matthew who is getting cuter every day, every picture. Maybe in July Kenny will bring Melina and Matthew and Jessie. I can hardly wait!

We have wonderful friends who really care about us and pray for us.

I am learning more about the Bible as I read and study with others and go to church.

Yesterday I went for my walk with Janet and then went and sat at the clinic for two hours. Larry things this is outrageous. I tried to get an appointment with my own doctor but it would be a weeks wait. Last week we had a mini book club at the clinic. A group of us women were sharing the books we were reading. Yesterday there was a very sick little boy and I felt bad for their wait and a homeless character who was very cheerful. Larry talked to him and found out he had got crushed in a dumpster. Larry soon got tired of waiting but I was determined to find out the results of the x-rays.

I now have been told I have arthritis in my neck. I can now learn all about it and try to find what helps the most. I am fortunate it does not bother me at night but when it flares up having my neck touch the pillow hurts. I have a new water pillow which is helping .

The good news is that it is not cancer which once you have had it you wonder if it will return.

Dad came home and found out all he could about walk-in clinics. He was very annoyed when people walked in and got in ahead of him; but what he did not realize they had their names down and had gone for coffee. He was going to go in with me and it was too bad he had not because he had taken Viggo to this doctor and knew him. But then they would have had a chat whereas I say okay tell me whats wrong and I am ready to leave. No small talk for me.

Today I am off to the Craft Fair at the Colebrook Church to sell baking and books!


Anonymous said...

With all the bad news out there good to read some good news .


Anonymous said...

I like your positive attitude.
Have you gotten the blood work done yet??? Should I harass your doctor

beth bennett said...

No Kim I have not forgotten and I am thinking of the words to say. I am going to tell him "We need to talk! I can never get in to see you! And I would like to have the blood work done for fungus."

But you can keep harassing me!