Saturday, October 25, 2008


None of us like to accept failure as a part of the reality of being alive. The amazing truth is that out of failure comes our greatest growth, especially spiritually. We, all of us, can be thankful that we still have lessons to learn. We have been taught our life has value when we contribute materially by working hard and achieving new goals.

It has been said that even when cherished ambitions are achieved we often feel strangely unhappy and unfulfilled and saying to ourselves, "there must be more to life." We can come to this place on the road we are travelling with success or with failure.

We praise the runner who breaks the record and finishes first and we forget the courage of the one who keeps running knowing that they are last.

I admire those who keep trying. It takes years and years to understand why we continue to have our troubles in our daily lives but when the light comes as the spirit descends, we give up trying to understand and find joy in just being who we are.

Joy comes as we practice the awareness of the spirit that lives within us. Care of the soul, or living from the heart, often calls for simple surrender rather than doing. We all have our expectations but sometimes we need to let go and let life happen.

Anyway, we were too late to get tickets for the Harvest Dinner at the Church but had a nice quiet dinner with Carol and Panteli at the Red Rose Cafe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm like you Mom. I admire those that don't give up.

