Saturday, May 25, 2013


So many interesting places to walk!  I wonderful way for me to quiet my mind.  Walking with dad is good and I am so pleased he is getting his energy back.  He was too busy cleaning and painting the garage yesterday and it is so good to see him more like himself.
Walking by myself is okay too so I take my anxious thoughts and put them in the hands of the Lord or I send them far away.  I am being healed.
They can be unseen or seen but people appear just when I need to feel the comfort of the presence of another.  I am so aware that wrong words can be spoken or an incorrect gesture made or a mean thought can flit across my mind.
The sacred and the ordinary are all one.  Whether I am at home or on a walk or at church the divine walks with us all.
We all realize that many things are beyond our control and that is why a simple word, called prayer, helps.  Walking with Haiti she often stops to sniff and examine things I cannot even see.  So it is a slow progress.
Jesus did not say come to church with me but come and walk with me.  Let's talk.  Let's get to know each other.
  On every walk something beautiful is shown to me.  Either on the ground,  our in the sky above,
or all around me.  I am enjoying my walks and the main problem is nausea right now and lack of appetite but I did gain weight on the Prednisone and energy but just could not sleep.  Anyway it will get sorted out.  So loooking forward to seeing Oliver today and who ever else shows up.


nancy-Lou said...

What a lovely walk you had yesterday, along the ocean. Makes me wish to be there too. I do love the ocean and have missed the last couple of years not coming out there. Interesting how you write about walking with Jesus...and communing with nature. That is when I find Him closest as well. I hope you are still finding more energy after going off the prednisone, Beth. Ginger tea really helps with nausea...I like lemon ginger!My little Dinty is not easy to walk now that he is blind....he meanders and goes slowly, but does not want to turn around and come home. I end up carrying him and that is not an easy task uphill, by our house! The little house wren finally arrived this morning and is singing...but it is a tired song...broken up with rests...I guess he is "pooped out" after his long flight here. Love your blog Beth..wait for it every morning! Have a great family day, love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

glad you enjoy your walks mom. must be so much nicer in the good weather.