Monday, May 27, 2013


It is all about my family and also about those who have touched my life over the years.
It is all about the memories.
It is all about the writer and the reader and the comments.
It is all about caring and sharing.
It is all about Love!

Did the plans for the day fall into place according to the original plan.  No.
But what mattered was that we all got together.
"The more we are attuned to our depths and shadows and desires, the more God is in all our lives,"
Rob Bell from "What We Talk About When We Talk About God
"We deeply impact each other and we are more connected and aware of what each other is doing than any of us realize.  There are friends who seem to fill us with the energy within themselves and we feel blessed.  There are others who completely drain us and I find myself getting weary of the words and the attitude that seems to be taking a lot out of me.  It almost feels like my spirit is being crushed,
Jesus taught us to love our neighbors because we are more deeply connected than we may realize.  My time and my energy is precious to me so there are moments when we have to disconnect to the emotions of another.  I know  that nothing I say will be heard or acted upon.
Then their are people who we read about that can inspire us both by their actions and their words.
Before you know it is time to say good-bye.  Good times!

Received a special card from Mary and Michael John "asking the Lord to encourage me and fill me with his strength today and everyday,"  This means a lot to me.

Today I have to wait until 4 o'clock to see the doctor and just want to get it over with.  Will add any news worthy of mention when I get back home.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the plans never work out exactly as we expect, but things always get one way or another.

Is Oliver going back to work for the Coast Guard this year?

I managed to sleep in until 6 am.



nancy-Lou said...

A beautiful day with your family...smiles, sunshine, happy times!
May the doctor visit being positive news for you you can continue your healing journey.
Today is a gorgeous day again....soft spring morning...and the garden is calling me!
Love to you both, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...
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Sandra said...

Thank you, I am glad to be one of the us, just hope I am not one of the ones to bring you down. It is so much work to clean a house all the time. It was much more fun when I was a stay at home mom, not so much when I work and then clean all weekend. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Sounds as though yesterday was very busy but enjoyable with so many of your family around. Hope you have good news from the Dr,today . Love Jane.

Anonymous said...

Oliver looks healthy . Good to see the sun in the photo. Hope you dr visit goes ok.Ken