Saturday, May 11, 2013


Ruach, the breath of God, infuses all the earth with creative energy!
The unquenchable life force that we take so for granted.

I remember as a child falling from a fence and having the wind knocked out of me.  It was frightening.

Sometimes I stop and just focus on the breath that flows in and out of my lungs.  Every breath a miracle; even as the first time anyone of us took our first breath.

"The wisdom teacher in Ecclesiastes writes about every single one of us is the recipient of this energy and life force and divine breath; given to us by God to sustain us and fill us and enrich us and inspire us.

Sadly the day will come when we will take our last breath and the angel of the Lord takes us into heaven.  A place of beauty and music.  This we may believe and yet cannot find the peace this offers. on this earth.

Dear God
Heal the sick
Heal dad's liver
Comfort the sad
Be with those who cannot sleep 


Anonymous said...

Lots of troubles but the flowers are still beautiful.



Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day.