Thursday, May 9, 2013


Yes, I am very fortunate to have dad to take care of me; and he has been fortunate to have me to look after him.

I have learned several lessons from all this.  You cannot judge a person by what he looks like because hidden inside may be a heat of gold.

Sometimes you may not like a person at first because their talkativeness can be annoying especially if you feel like resting, but after taking time to listen and understand some of her problems I felt compassion for her and we became friends,

We do live in this place called a powerful Universe that has many lessons to teach us,  Some of them are difficult and there are no answers to our questions.  We each have to do the best we can ti stay healthy.

We had a good visit with carol and the chicken Jane brourght  us was excellent.  Later our neighbor Cathy dropped by,, another very caring person.

Dad was very tired at the end of the day. me too,  Both of us had wonderful sleeps. I am still a bit weak but very happy! 


Sandra said...

Did you manage to walk to the end of the street and back, or just still recovering? I certainly am glad that I have Randy to help with getting the house ready, but I do miss not having children here to help as well. I still say my future is likely to contane long cold winters and lots of snow. I do not want to be in Randy's parents situation. No news yet, still waiting on a phone call. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are back at home and on the mend. I often drink mineral water as it is a bit more interesting to drink than ordinary water. But we all should probably drink more water so drinking more is probably a good habit to get into.

Make sure that you re-book the dental appointment for next week, as dental problems don't just go away!



Anonymous said...

Glad that you are back home now. Sorry That I missed the visit yesterday, but will try to visit soon! :)

Anonymous said...

Still trying to get over the Canucks loss. Lol ,just kidding..GLad your both on the improve , try to keep eating healthy food, and have a look for that tonic at the health food store. Matthew has a cold again .... Not good , I have been slipping echinacea into his drinks , not much help though.

nancy-Lou said...

You are right Beth, life is always teaching us new lessons...even when we are older. There always is change and sometimes that can be unsettling for us older folks! Glad you are starting to get your strength back. I started drinking water with lots of ice and almost can say, I am addicted to it. It is just so refreshing. I drink about 8 large glasses a day. Never used to drink water...but love it now. I put a pitcher of ice water in the fridge in the morning. Keep up the great and Larry. Love Nancy