Friday, May 17, 2013


BREAKING NEWS dad's tests are coming down to normal  !  !  !   DSCN0062A world alive with colour
I lay in bed and realize how happy I am!  I am so looking forward to the day but yes slow and careful my steps will be and my prayers are especially for Ken as he faces that painful eye surgery.  I have the church and the minister praying for him.  Love you Ken! 

I also hope you finally all start to feel well.  Be aware of sugar, very bad.

I was delighted to open my present from Ken and Melina, Jessie, Mathew and Jessie and the little rose that opens is pure magic and I do so love it.  Thank you for a package of treasires from my socks to my carrying back, just right for picking up small items from the store.  I was absolutely thrilled and I wish the little ones could have seen how happy it made me.  Maybe a picture soon

My walk was short and little with smal,lighter steps,  steps but I did not crawl!  Instead i sat down to pretend to take pictures,  A  light sun that helded little warmth but the air was so fresh and I felt the joy of just me and God.

My vocation is to continue to love the best I can and to accept all I meet with grace which I feel is the grace that I walk in each day with God.  We all need to be loved and accepted when when we are so different.  But difficult people requrie the skill of also protecting yourself from being used.

The one problem with my meds. is that sleepy doopy me turn into the energy bunny that became cranky and irratable becase I couldn't rest when I needed it.  So I will have to do a bit of trial of these. 

I am surrounded by angels (unseen) and the angels in my family and friends.  Even my mysterious angel that drops off flowers at my door.

"Fidelity to grace in my life is fidelity to simplicity, rejecting ambition and analysis and elaborate thought, or even elaborate concern."   -Thomas Merton

I am learning to become free of the burden of responsibility!  .......well gradually.  I want us both and for all of you to take time just to enjoy the happy moments of life.  Even if it is only five minutes in bed, or seeing beauty around you or going for coffee with the one you love the most.

I also wished I had taken you children out one at a time just to get to know you better. 

Now I want to be able to do at least a few thongs to help others less fortunate.  But for now the present is the reality I live in.  Let us hope for a better sleep for all us who have messed up the day but then life is a progress and as long as we are on the road we are moving.



Anonymous said...

I was lucky to be at Stephen and Shawna's when I was taking prednisone so she gave me a sleeping pill every night. Oh, and I was talking to Michael John, not sure if dad already knows but it is fats that he should be avoiding the most. We have Mandi and James over for dinner tonight, I am doing the cooking. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you went on a short walk Mom - good you are not trying to overdo it!

Also wonderful that Dad's results are getting back to normal.



nancy-Lou said...

So glad that you are getting stronger Beth and able to go for short walks. AND good news on Larrys tests too! Things on looking up! What a wonderful supportive family you have...Visits, flowers, books,you are truly blessed! Have a great day, love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Good news about Dads tests. Maybe you should walk with a friend until your feel stronger. Glad to hear your didn't throw the shopping bag out as we didn't see it in the photo. My eye operation is on the 30 May , still a way off.

beth bennett said...

It is a beautiful shopping bag and was in one of the photo's and will be so handy to take for small things. And the socks are gtrat too. Very thoughtful/
Thanks love mom.