Thursday, May 23, 2013


                              I was awake bright and early to take Haiti for a walk to our small park.
                              A lovely morning.

Ready to go.  Books packed and some snacks.  I'll be waiting at the eye doctors first where dad has two appointments.  His results looked good and we where pleased.

On our way

Lots of traffic

We had time to stop for lunch.
I decided to stop off at home and not carry on with the appointment with the liver specialist.
/amazing thing he was concerned for both of us ans asked about me.
He was pleased with dad's blood tests ans it will be checked again just to make sure it continues Io decline.

                                Enjoyable lunch and lovely view.


Thank you Lord for a wonderful day.  I really felt prayers were there with us all the way!  The timing all went very well and it was an enjoyable day,

Dad did a good deed driving an old gentleman home from his second appointment.  He was very confused.  Made the day even more special.  Since he was near the car lot of the man I had been in the hospital with he stopped to have a visit.  I meanwhile had taken Haiti for another walk, tired but could not rest. 
Glad I am now off my pills even though they helped and certainly gave me energy.
Carol stopped by with some more cookies and a chat.  We are sure blessed.
Hope to go visiting milk shake in hand,


Sandra said...

So all in all you both can now enjoy your summer and look forward to Kenny and the family coming out. Does Carol do cookie deliveries anywhere else? Sandra

Anonymous said...

Wow - two blog posts in one day.

Maybe the milk-shake fellow should be visiting you? :)

That's nice that you and Dad were able to give somebody else a ride home.

Who took the photo in the restaurant?

Rained like crazy here last night - which is rather rare in Kamloops.



beth bennett said...

Rained like crazy here too. Heard every drop!

The kind waitress took the picture.

I had not fineshed the other blog so that is why so many mistakes plus tiredness.

love mm

Shawna said...

I love your pictures Grandma!!! The one of you and grandpa is very nice!

So did the doctor take you off of the medications grandma??