Thursday, May 30, 2013


I could see that Gundi looked very worried a few weeks ago when I told her I would not be walking with her for a few days as I needed to gain strength after not being so well.  Now that I am better I started knocking on her door every morning at out time.  There was no answer.  At first I thought maybe she was sleeping in or maybe the day was not so nice; but I started to worry when again this week there was no answer.

Of course one starts to think that maybe she has had a fall and is in there all alone.  Yesterday I called on another friend that knows her and she decided we should call the police and she also called her son's wife.  The other thing was that she was not answering the phone and in fact it was unplugged.

She did open her door to the arm of the law and after talking to her they decided she was okay.

Then Lily, her friend, and I marched in.  The house was spotless but she looked unkempt and a little confused.  She had convinced herself that my walking with her had been too much for me so she had shut herself in.  A big part of our walk was the  talking together  and also it gave her a reason to get up and get dressed.
Alone and not answering the door to anyone had been very bad for her mentally and physically.  I would not be surprised if the son calls in a social worker to evaluate her; so I am sorry that this may be very disturbing to her.
I know myself that my mind can lead me into doubt and despair and talking to others is a wonderful help.
I too can be guilty of thinking too much.

The rain was pouring down when Kim left to drive out to Chilliwack with Haiti in the back with her tail wagging furiously.  We already miss them both.  So off to the library after deciding the D.V.D. called Blackbooks about a book store owner who really did not want to sell his books had gotten a little too silly, but we did have some good laughs.
Nice to see the sun this morning! 


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Grundy. lt was a god thing that you got help for her as she sounds in a bad way. WE visited Lila and Bill yesterday . Lila will be in a wheel chair for a few weeks as her foot operation had to be redone. l go for X-ray and specialist appointment today . l'm feeling really good. much love , Jane

Sandra said...

No word from Kenny yet about his eye operation? And I hope that Gundy is able to recover. We all need a reason to get out of bed in the morning.For me it is to chase the dogs away from my Hosta! Sandra

Anonymous said...

Uncle Rick should see the DVD about the bookstore guy! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm onto the bookstore TV series.

Actually, there was an elderly bookseller in the UK who eventually thought that if someone wanted to buy a book this meant he had underpriced it, so he would refuse to sell it for fear he was being taken advantage of. This went on for several years.

Glad that Gundy's son is getting involved, if that is what is happening.



larry bennett said...

Ken had his operation - Melina says he has Some pain but is doing OK. Not so sure Gunty's Son is the right person to be doing an intervention - he has been a little less than a supporting Son!
Mom is down visiting her right now - her big worry from the moment her husband died was to be put into a home - and the very next day they arrived to do just that! A family that lives 15 minutes away and don't check once on their mother ?????

Anonymous said...

The operation went ok , under for 49 mins . Just the stitches that poke into the eye every minute or so. So like the DR told me its now more. Stress than pain like having a prickle in your eye which you can get out. We had a laugh when the nurse told Melina that I was only allowed to use the TV remote for the rest of the day.Melina was a great help. We almost got hit by another driver, elderly woman turned straight into our side. We screeched sideways and missed by inches , Maybe your prayers worked Mom? Planning still going ahead for Canasa trip.

beth bennett said...

Good for that news and realize how annoying that must be. Glad all went well and near misses are scary but at least she missed you.

Glad you are still planning to come


love mom

beth bennett said...

Good for that news and realize how annoying that must be. Glad all went well and near misses are scary but at least she missed you.

Glad you are still planning to come


love mom