Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The morning is gloomy but I know the sun is just taking it’s time.
Today I do not feel like being brave and cheerful. not today.
I want answers and until I get them I feel like shaking my fist at the sky and shouting out all the anger I am feeling.
Then I feel like sitting and crying and crying.

I am far from perfect but with all my faults I try to be positive; but not  today.


This is my walk I often take but not today.

                                                       Down the small path to Scott Road.
Along Scott Road


                                                             Over to the little pond.
                            But not today but there is always Wed.

Dad and I had a good laugh at the card you dropped off Jane.  Good of Samantha to drive you!

Dad says he is feeling better.  He bought me a little gardening bench and I really need to get busy.  The lawn is growing like crazy.  I have things to drop off at the bins where they collect books and used items.  For now I am rereading an old mystery book before I give it away



Sandra said...

So, that was yesterday, not today? I am pretty sure all of us humans have days like that mom. Sometimes it is just too hard to be positive and happy. Randy got Tylenol 3s from Dr Nolte and he shared them with me so I had a good sleep. Feel very bad leaving the house like it is for Kimberly. The dogs did well again last night at least, and Haiti does not bark at the cats. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow not here yet, so have a great today. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Yes, sometimes it is good leave things be for a day.



Shandel said...

I totally agree with you, sometimes we just need to be in foul moods. and that is ok. i think its important to be ok with whatever mood you are in or however you feel like feeling!

My grandma was able to head home from the hospital yesterday so that was good news. She returned from her vacation to have to go straight to the hospital as she was very ill. They gave her fluids and then she was able to go home. I love how even in the worst moods or the worst news you are told she has a fiery spirit that keeps her strong and going forth. I think about that in times when i feel tired or really sad. She is going through so much as are you and Grampa and that helps me to be strong. You are all so strong. SO if it feels good to yell shout or scream at the sky then do it! release that energy and move on. Have a great TODAY. (i liked that Sandy)

Anonymous said...

One of my problems is that the worse I feel the more I want to do.

Today I feel much better!

love mom-grandmom

Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to have a giggle . Tears and laughter are close together both are releases , sometimes we even laugh so hard we cry and sometimes we shed tears when we are particularly joyful. Strange creatures we humans. Look out on your e-mail for the jokes l promised to send. Love Jane.

Anonymous said...

nice and sunny but cold here today ,6c , when we woke. Matthew slept straight through last night , first time ever ,all by himself in his own bed!! . Jasmine woke and walked into our room at 1:30am. Off to gymnastics between hockey games today.Good news Dad is feeling a bit better.