Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The poppies are now blooming!the    new day looks promising and I may try an inch or two farther in my walk!  Yes the birds are singing and telling me to get moving. 

I have been listening to my I-Pod while resting and just feeling the joy in the music..  I am tired but finding it hard to rest.

I did some work in the yard and cut the grass.

We went out for lunch with Carol and Panteli and   Randy and Sandy and enjoyed the company and trying out a new restaurant.  Coming home we drove a slower way through farmland', so green and alive. Dad has been on his computer all morning.  Still watching hockey of course.  No doctors or anything today so try to have a drive or a walk together

Cannot sleep sheep on strike so will be praying for you all that seems to help!  .

Jesus came to live and walk and teach us to listen to the songs of life.

I may be old and slow but I can still enjoy music!  !  !  What a gift!

Jesus also invites us to embrace our weaknesses and recognize our strengths and abilities.  We will never be free of problems but the mystery is that we can become strong when we are weak.

"When we come to the end of ourselves. only then do we discover that "God" has been there the whole time,  the "God" who is for us!   -Rob Bell


Sandra said...

Sheep on strike, darn I hate when that happens! I came home and read my book in the sun, had a nap and phone calls from Stephen and Mary. Let us know if you would like Randy to come pick up Haiti, he is on nights again this week so home during the day. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Not being able to sleep is a drag. The last week or so I seem to be waking up at the merest lightening of the sky, so about 4:30 am.



Anonymous said...

Lunch was fun yesterday. we started clearing stuff from Sandra's shed and was going to do more today, but may postpone till it's a bit drier. Sandra's kitchen looks great!


Anonymous said...

Wow all you early risers .Its midnight here in Melbourne and i am just finnishing work. Hopefully i will get a little sleep in tomorrow Melina is takinmg the kids to the gym after dropping Jesse off at school. Early days , but we are making plans to come over mid August 13th till the 30th or there abouts.Ken

larry bennett said...

Fantastic news Ken! ! So exciting to see you all.

Yes we would like Randy to pick up HAAITI WE WILL BE OUT ALL DAY TO-MORROW.

nancy-Lou said...

My, that is a gorgeous poppy...such a delicate colour. Is it growing in your garden Beth? They don't like our acidic soil and only survive a year or two. Good to hear your are getting stronger...going out and cutting the grass. I find a cup of camomile tea an hour or so before bed really helps with sleep.
I bought my one large potted zuccinni plant today...it is about 4 feet across and already has blossoms. Had one last year and honestly, we had zuccini's all summer long. I love them in stir fries and marinated veggies. Also go one large potted tomato plant and that too will be all we need. MInd you I grew 6 beefstake tomatoes...one for me and the others for our sons. Love gardening and going to the greenhouses. Have a good day tomorrow...sounds like you will be busy! Love Nancy