Thursday, May 2, 2013



They must be real or how would we know what they look like.
We need magic in our lives.
We need humour and laughter and delightful characters like Poo Bear.
 I am glad Jane and Nancy-Lou share my little sense of humour here and there.
We need funny ornaments in our gardens for the adults as well as the children.
We need the beauty of spring that some are still waiting for!  Colours everywhere dazzle the senses!  The smells and the freshness of the air how very blessed we are!  Thank you dear Creator of all! 

The song of birds to remind us to keep singing and praising the wonder of it all.
Kim will now be staying at Sandra and Randy’s house (sorry Randy you did not need that car accident but thankfully it was not worse) to look after three dogs and two cats.  Great fun for them all.
Carol is close enough she can pop over for tea from her work.  What seemed to be a problem has now been solved and everyone is happy,

Had a good time laughing at jokes. 

 And dad even surprised me by remembering to take the garbage out! 

Hello to my dearest family in Edmonton what a joy it would be to have a visit.
I knew I would find the special card I had chosen for Cameron for his birthday after I mailed the one that was my second choice.
I am surround by kindness!  Life can seem like a dream but it calls for all the strength and courage we have within us to come forward

Another beautiful day to be enjoyed!


Anonymous said...

Fairies are fun little creatures and make great models for artwork, clearly!

A little snow Monday and Tuesday nights (it didn't stick around), but nice and warm temperatures expected for the weekend!



nancy-Lou said...

Good to hear that Larry is feeling a little better and able to do some things. Side effects to drugs can really make on that Carl took for his arthritis took a full year to finally diagnose, and we saw 7 doctors, 3 emergency rooms and finally 10 days in the hospital...all from a drug he took for his rheumatoid arthritis. It has left him with some permanent damage to his lungs..but thank goodness he is better! Hopefully Larry will get good news tomorrow. Nice blog Beth...great pics as usual! Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy thank you for sharing you are a real blessing. An angel in disguise! Love Beth

Anonymous said...

Long day thrift store shopping. Bought over 100 baby items.sandra

beth bennett said...

I believ that! Hello to all. Hope Randy is okay, love mom