Sunday, March 2, 2014


Dad came home on Thursday very tired with a bad headache. and not speaking very well.  He said he just wanted to lie down and have a rest.
I was worried about him but 3 hours later he was awake and had a bit to eat.
To make a long story short he had had a TIA , a mini stroke.
He was tired the next day as we both were and took it easy.
Sunday morning I talked to Sandra and we took her advice and let her drive us to the hospital.  We spent about 6 hours there where dad was tested and had a cat scan.

He will be referred to a specialist at the Surrey Hospital.  That is good and hopefully we will be able to prevent this in the future.

It was snowing when we left but turned to rain on our way home. 

Tried to phone Ken back but the phone was busy.

Next time we have to do something right away and then get treatment.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear that.
Glad that Sandra took you to the hospital and Larry is getting good care. How is he now? I hope all recovered from the TIA.

We are still in the grips of "old Man Winter" extremely cold for this time of year. -35 again tonight with -45 wind chill. Check out my facebook page...there are some pics of the snow here.

Take care, you two! Love to you both, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy. We are both tired but received good care at the hospital.
He will be seeing a specialist next week and finding out more. It is a wake up call and he has a take a baby aspirin every day.
I have two appointments next week so it will be interesting.
The thing is to go to the hospital right away and then they can help. But I was not sure so.
Appreciate your concern.
love beth

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - lots going on. I'll try and call when I get home.

