Saturday, March 1, 2014


I was thrilled to get this little treasure of flowers tucked inside a duck;  but even more I was thrilled to see the old folks up and dancing.  All doing there own thing.
They love the old songs and clapped and sang along with the guest musician.

The Korean people which there are a big group there in the home sang some songs and with actions and laughing faces.
The stall are very appreciative of what I do.
A long day for both dad and I.

It is amazing how different dad and I are and yet can come to the same conclusions in the end.  I was refusing to go see the doctor when I went to bed but as I thought about it I realized that is would be a good idea.  We are waiting for the cat scan to be moved up but in the meantime I had a lung x-ray and also another test.
I am dreaming of the day my garden will look like this!  I know Sandra's will for sure!  She will be so happy when more dirt arrives!

It is amazing these cell phones.  People phone to say they are coming over and the next minute they are on your door step.  I did not have time to comb my hair, put on unholy socks, take down the last Christmas decorations, or sweep the floor or even have time to think.  A good visit anyways.

Dad went to visit Vera and Howard by himself and came home exhausted so that is not good.  We will not go if we cannot both go.

Congratulations on your new job Melina.  I hope everything can be worked out.  Takes a lot of doing with everyone on a different schedule.


Sandra said...

Did dad right down your appointment on the day timer? Randy got home at 11 last night, groaning as he fell into bed. What a change a day makes! It was 14 at our house yesterday, feels like minus out there this morning. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I was reading about pariiet tables yesterday , and the side affects. Have a read , Dad may have a Magnesium deficiency .

beth bennett said...

I gave dad a magnesium and calcium pill which he thinks he does nor need.
I will make sure he takes it for awhile.
Very cold here today
love mom