Friday, February 28, 2014


Happy Birthday Carol!

Sunshine is like a healing touch from above.  I love the patterns it makes.

I find that I have to take time to focus more on the spiritual, which really is the sacred reality all around us, and for me to become just Me.

Everything was created by a Master Craftsman how I do not know or really care.  He created each one of us to be unique and precious.

I do a little meditating and a little praying and reading scripture and spiritual books and this is what helps me.  But everyone has their own way and also like the Buddhist I believe that seeking wisdom, doing good and having compassion and taking time to see the wonder and mystery is very good t

A sense of humour and taking delight in our friends is very important too.
Laughter is very healing that is why I go to Bible study and check out the latest fashions
 Neat T Shirt Lee.


Dad puts up new lights while I am out having fun!
Trying to improve my balance can be a little difficult when the side walk is like this but people think I am walking normal so that is good  This snow should be melted by now and most people have been very good about shoveling off the side walk.

I thing that facing the truth must be a very spiritual thing to do

Dad was right making me go back to the doctor and Dr. Nolte was pleased that we had come I.  He will try to get the cat scan date moved up meanwhile is sending me for more blood tests, x-rays etc.

We waited hours in the clinic and in the blood clinic.  Both feeling tired. We had to stop and eat because I was both tired and hungry.

Learning to be patient is another one I need to cultivate.

The thank-you celebration at the Senior's home was very memorable and everyone was so glad I came.  It took an effort but so was I!  \lovely gift of a bird with a rose in it.  They made me a special salad which was good.  Lots of young Korean young people who volunteer to help with their families so nice to see.

Honor your mom and dad!

It is not easy to say "you were right"  which I had to admit to dad.  It is humbling and a part of wisdom, compassion and serenity, which are sacred values.


Anonymous said...

Everybody is right sometimes.

I think walking is very, very good for you. I also think you should have someone go with you.



Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,
Glad that to hear that they have been able to move up the CAT scan. It's gorgeous out today, but htey are calling for snow on SAturday and Sunday. I'll call you guys later to see if you know the date for Ben's ceromony. I Skyped with Carol today for her birthday and she enjoyed the card you guys sent down with me. She is going out with people from work for her birthday tonight, so you won't be able to reach her today. xo

nancy-Lou said...

Rick and family...I wish Beth would take a cell phone with her that has an emergency button. Walking is great, but if you run in to trouble....what would you do? I take my cell phone with me.

Sandra said...

Yes Nancy Lou, mom should have a phone with her. Dad keeps trying to get her to take one but so far it has not become a habit. I do my best to try and remember mine too, as you just never know what might happen on a walk by your self early in the morning. Had the landscaper come out today, he basically started out by hinting that he was too expensive for me. Dumb man. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Mom keep up the walks , I don't know how you can do it in the rain and snow. We (me ) wont walk if its under 16c and a hint of rain. Off to work now , Nona coming over to look after Jasmine. Melina got a new Job, Working at Qantas Valet Parking , don't know her hours yet but given enough notice we should be able to cope.

nancy-Lou said...

Sandra, you are is hard to get in the habit of remembering the phone. I have carried bear guard with me, except in it is easier to remember my cell.

What an idiot that landscaper was to talk down to you like that! I guess it takes all kinds. I can imagine how much you are going to enjoy working in your new gardens and how beautiful they will be.

beth bennett said...

Panteli We cannot go to the awards because space is limited

Anonymous said...


beth bennett said...

Yes I agree with all.