Wednesday, February 12, 2014



Jesus promised “I will never leave you or forsake you. 

This is a very barren season for us right now.  This barrenness can seep into me.  Getting good results and a good night's sleep and a good walk this morning will help.  Also thinking about the people who love me!

I have been concerned about our friend who I believe has congestive heart failure.  She has been in hospital but sent home after they drain the fluids from her lungs.  She feels better but now is getting worse again and meanwhile her daughter has gone to Hawaii where she goes every year. 

Our friend  is in a Seniors home where she receives all  her meals and help bathing.  Every morning she feels pretty good but by evening she is very frightened as she feels her lungs filling up again.  It is sad she has made no friends there who would pop in to see her. It is a tragedy that she is alone in her apartment.

I have had two memories return very clearly to me just of late.  One is a little child seeing my mom disappear into a dark hole in the kitchen floor   (to do the laundry) and the other is when my mom left to attend her mom's funeral.  Both times I had this awful fear "Mommy do not leave me."

The hardest times in my life have been when I have had to suffer alone.  I have had bad asthma attacks and the children would be in bed and dad was at work.  Never knowing if you would be able to keep breathing was frightening.  I dot like being alone for long periods of time even now.

My prayer now is "Jesus do not leave me."

This for me is the promise of the Resurrection  which comes after there was darkness and hopelessness.  This is my foundation of my  faith.  I hope that when \I breathe my last I will start breathing with a new eternal breath!  His breath or the wind of his spirit or his love has not left us alone but is surrounding us all.


Sandra said...

Did you get your blood work results yet? I will try and remember to call later. Why did your mom fall through the floor? Dinner at our house on Sunday for Grmapa's birthday. Sandra

beth bennett said...

The results we got show nothing.

My mom disappear into what seemed to be a one year old a black hole.

I am tired today but hope to be back to normal to-morrow.

,thanks for taking on yet another party.

Dad needs to stop worrying. I had coffee in bed while he got up to watch ladies hockey. A good came. love mom

beth bennett said...
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Anonymous said...

Interesting memory mom. Jasmine got her valentines card yesterday . Thank you
Another hot night here . I got up at 4am to watch hockey.
Not the best idea!!! But will again tomorrow as Canada plays it's first game.


beth bennett said...

Dad set the alarm and of course woke me up with a start. Usually I am awake. The girls game was a good idea.
Matthews card should arrive tomorrow.
How is the new puppy? Does it sleep?
No walks today but I will be back at it to-morrow.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I hope you have more pep tomorrow Beth. These long winter days can make us depressed.....winter is too long. But I did notice that the sun is quite a bit stronger already and my violets are spring will come.

Today was another really cold day. The high was -21. It is snowing now and stormy tomorrow.
Did you have much snow? We saw it was cold and the roads were icy.

Our two new little dogs are very loving and well behaved. We are really enjoying them.

Take care my, Nancy