Saturday, February 8, 2014


A  puppy?  ?   ?

Busy day for me an early walk, a few minutes of the opening of the Olympics and then off to the doctors.  Dr.  Nolte had a huge sling on his arm from an operation on arthritis, bone spurs, etc.  I did not notice this when he first walked in and was very surprised.  Anyway having some blood work done but do not expect much but at least I tried.  I have not felt the same since my trip to the hospital last summer  which was a complete waste of time.

“One mark of true religion seems to be faith in something unbelievable.”   -Dave Roche

I have been influenced by bad theology but that does not mean I cannot change.  Too many people who think they are not Christians are and two many Christians who think they are are not.
It is not about perfection, or saying the right prayer, or going to the right church or even believing the right things.  It is about trying to live by the inspiring words of Jesus, about living each day the best I can and about trying to help others, it is about forgiveness and grace. It   is about breathing in and feeling the unconditional love fill my soul and inspire me to be me.

I m because I want to be.

Dad and I just got home from lunch at Mile Stones which is one of the least expensive place to go and I had chicken with my salad as I am being health conscious. when Vera called to ask if we could relieve for a while as she was exhausted and she certainly looked like it when we arrived.   She had a good sleep while we talked to Howard and  again I reads him a story which he really seems to like to listen to.

Received a E-mail that her mom Sheila is in hospice care and the She has suffered a lot so it would seem to be the best thing to let her go with love and prayers.  The pain of watching a loved one is unbearable.  Thankful that her life is was a blessing and lives on in our memories.

Again I am thankful for the gift of life  and each day we have with one another.
Thankful that we can share our pains and our sorrows. 


nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful of you and Larry. to give Vera some time to herself. Does her husband have Alzheimers? It takes a dreadful toll on the caregivers. They need to have lots of support...I hope their family step up.

Glad you had a check up Beth...I know you are not a fan of neither, but there are times we need to see them.

Christianity sure does have many different and sometimes fervent churches.
My faith is really challenged right now, not sure where is will take me. Very odd for me as I always have had a strong Christian faith. There are a lot of unanswered questions, like why should I believe the stories in the Bible? Is Christianity right...or how about Buddhism? I rather like the idea of Buddha being a teacher, but not a God. Reading we will see where it takes me.

We are really enjoying our new dogs...they are absolutely perfect...housetrained, not barkers and very loving. The trip to Minneapolis to pick them up was tiring..1,600 kms round trip. It was very cold and very windy with blowing snow. We are all relaxing watching the curling semi finals today. Have a great day, Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy very pleased to know you are home safe and enjoying your dogs.

I have lots of questions too but still believe that Jesus is real and alive and I will be given answers when I need them or maybe not.

Yes Howard has Alzheimers ? and cannot be left alone.

Hard for us sometimes knowing it can be us in the future.

Right now all is well!
love beth

Anonymous said...

Well we bought the puppy for Matthew . We pick it up in two weeks. I will send a photo.
We made it through the night , yuck and hot with all the fans going. It only dropped to under 30c at 4am. That's when Jasmine woke with a nightmare and I checked the temp. Well you may get some snow tomorrow. Before the rain sets in again.