Sunday, February 23, 2014


“Out of the blossom of the air.
Out of the cloud-folds of her garment shaken
Over the woodlands brown and bare
Silent and soft and slow descends the snow.”  H. W. Longfellow
It start snowing a few light snow flakes on my walk.  It always seems magical at first.  I sneaked out early while I thought Rick was sleeping but evidently he would have gone with me so we will give it a go to-morrow morning.
I do love walking in the snow but am thankful that it will not end up a huge pile.  We would not have deers looking in our windows but maybe a squirrel or cat or even a small bird.
Rick arrived safely home last just as we were settling into bed.  We had had an exhausting day dad and  we were sure he had too.
DSCN2308Sandra and Randy invited us out to lunch at the White Spot.
Randy laughing at me.  Ha ha I cut me out!  Snow drop on the camera,
DSCN2305Over lunch we told stories and found out some of what Rick has been up to.  He had some success at his business visits in Chilliwack. 
He is out to supper again tonight.  Very mysterious.
He tries to explain it is not what you think.  How does he know what we are thinking?

Are children have all found happiness in different ways as so have our grandchildren.  All different like the snow flakes and all beautiful!
My prayer is that they will never lose their sense of wonder at all of life and also their love and care for each other.

Still snowing!  Hockey time.  Everyone is sleeping.


nancy-Lou said...

It is so good to see your sense of humour and to laugh at your writing, Beth. Haha....I cut myself out and it is not what you think! You have an amazing gift for writing.
I saw some pretty heavy snowfall warnings for the coast...mainly at higher levels so I hope you don't receive too much.
We are looking at some really cold Arctic weather for the next couple of weeks...well in to March. Oh well, that will make us appreciate spring, all the more, when it finally arrives.
We were up early too for the hockey game...amazing that we won gold medals in men and women's hockey and curling too. I think we will go through withdrawal now that the Olympics is over. What a great winter games it has been.
Enjoy your day with Rick, love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It is snowing like crazy at our house. We are creeping up to a foot of snow pretty fast. Randy even shovelled the drive way. We skyped the grand babies and are just chilling before heading out to Super Store. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Glad we won, but not a great game in the end. Got to sleep in until 9:30am. Now 5 days off , back 11am Saturday.