Saturday, February 1, 2014



Starting my new route past the Safeway Store/

I went my old route this day and saw no strangers, no molesters, no police cars and no police decoys.

I like to have a plan for my day and also for my week.  This week did not go as planned at all.

 Friday I took  my books back to the library except for the one dad has not finished reading.  I did a bit in the front yard and a friend stopped to chat.  Sandra also dropped by to help us get organized but I think she thinks it is hopeless
Saturday Tavia is coming over for a visit so I plan to have her help me make muffins.  Those girls were baking as soon as they could mix the batter.  They used wild berries and honey and lots of good things.

Sunday we have a farewell meal for Panteli at Sandra and Randy's at noon.  Very good of her to offer as she has had a stressful week at work.

“In the end only three things matter:
how much you loved
how gently you lived
and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you,”


Shandel said...

beautiful quote by Buddha. I like when you share the different quotes. I agree, its nice to have things planned out. but not always can things go according to plan. It is fun to leave a few things up in the air or last minute. Organizing can be difficult, especially if your wanting to donate or get rid of somethings. if we are still attached to them, then we may get no where. It does feel good to de-clutter though, when the space you occupy is cluttered your mind will feel very cluttered. I find myself going through closest's or drawers often to clean them out. It feels good! spring cleaning will be just around the corner before we know it! Happy February! Xo

Sandra said...

Hi, I am cleaning. Gotta go get ready. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Yes,Beth, I loved the quote by Buddha. I try to live my life in a simple way, but it is hard after we have been trained for many years to think otherwise.

Nice pictures Beth, of your new route. It must be a safer walk! GOOD!I can hardy wait to pick up my new doggies...and begin walking with them. Showing them all the wonderful trails and paths here at the beach.
We will leave on Monday or Tuesday and it will take us two overnights. One in Fargo ND and one in Minneapolis. It wil be too cold to walk very far for quite a while. They say two more months of very cold weather.
What are you reading Beth? I am reading Blue Highways by Blue Moon...I read it years ago and loved it! Still do!
I have Netfix on my TV and computers and they have some great shows...I am watching Great EXpectations and really enjoying it. Netfix has some Masterpiece Theatre programs...they are always so good.
Have a good, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I am reading a mystery
Just One Evil Act by E George. We watch Inspector Lynley on T.v.

Also Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell , repainting the Christian Faith.

How exciting to be picking up your new pals!

Will you paint them?

love beth

Anonymous said...

Hopefully today is the last really hot day for the summer, think its 42c forcast . Start my holidays today. Baxk to work on the 20 feb.

craig decraene said...

no strangers, no molesters, no police cars and no police decoys.
Sounds like a good day. Hope all is well.