Tuesday, February 25, 2014


The snow brightens us my spirits as I walk in it and as I see children playing,
especially making snow men or ladies.  What fun that used to be especially finding the right hat and accessorries.
I had to laugh as I woke up from my dream where I was walking around all in one piece but looking for a new body to put my head on.  I guess it feels like it is time to trade this one in.  But in the end I stayed with the one I had it seemed safer!

Eyes wide with horror, hearts beating with fear, dizzy and faint as one by one they came into the room to see the dead body lying so still and lifeless.  She was a nasty mean and cruel person who had touched each of their lives with her heartlessness.  Did she deserve this?  They look around at each other and wonder which one had ended her life?

If I was writing a mystery story I would always begin with the body first, but I am nor, not yet!

WE had a lovely visit from Leah supper and goodies.  The best medicine.  She is looking and feeling so much better.

Just after she left we had a power failure and just went to bed.


Sandra said...

Well, doing your blog is kind of like a warm up to writing a novel. You already have the disciple of writing every day. I would have gardens and animals and cookies in my murder mystery. A bakery in Fort Langley, sounds like a great setting! I went to bed early as well. Randy is on night shift so no one was here to make me a fire. So me and the cats went and read in my bedroom. Did Leah bring you another meal? Sounds like dad had a bit of a disappointing doctors appointment. Sandra

Anonymous said...

We have a foot of snow ehre in Tsawwassen and its a winter wonderland. Not so much fun for driving though. I'm sorry I missed Rick's this weekend. I had a hunch taht he would leave early due to the snow, so I didn't try to connect with you guys on Sunday. I let Carol know about Ben's secret soccer award and asked her not to spill the beans! xo Panteli

beth bennett said...

Dad was not all that happy with his visit but he is going to have a complete physical some day.
Pain killers seems the only answer for his back and his feet and legs. I just am being careful to walk in the snow but I will do a little each day. I think it will rain soon.
I do not have the cat scan until April but is anything gets worse I will go the emergency.
Right now I am extremely tired and my speech gets worse as the day goes on.
But this can improve over time.
love beth

Shandel said...

That would be a great start to a murder mystery! those were always my favorite as a young teen. I would read it grandma! i say do it :D

Sandra you should too!!! yours would be cool.

It is beautiful (sometimes haha) to walk in the snow. we do that everyday and some mornings its so magical. But alas winter is much too long and we all have Spring fever. including the animals. Only a couple more weeks and my Yoga teacher will return from her 3+month long trip to Mexico, hoping she brings the warmer temps back with her so we can get on with Spring.

Hope you have a great day.

Shandel said...

Grandma! we were typing at the same time! hahah
I hope the appointment goes well for you and I hope Grandpa finds the answers he is needing. The body is such a mysterious thing...
My dad goes for a CT scan next Monday, i know he is nervous about that, but he booked himself a trip to Hawaii for the Sunday after...take his mind off things and enjoy life. that is important. I keep you all in my meditations and thoughts for a clean bill of health! or at least one we can work on.

Anonymous said...

Writing a murder mystery sounds like a good idea, and I liked that first paragraph! How about a murder mystery where the detective has to go over the murder victim's blog for clues as to who the killer might be? That has potential, I think.

Plus, if you publish a book Mom, then there is still hope that my bestseller might emerge yet.



Sandra said...

I know! We could do a revolving book where we all get to do one chapter. : )

Theresa said...

Very clever sandy. Did you both have doctors appointments yesterday?

larry bennett said...

When I was in my writers class I college a few years ago the instructor asked each student to write the first paragraph for the next chapter. I was first.
It was great fun, and the 20 young ladies and me enjoyed and laughed a lot. The imaginations of these young (18-30yrs)people were unbelievable - some very raunchy - all wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I bet the snow doesn't last til tomorrow. Of course it's cold and rainy when Jasmine has her beach day at kinder ! Matthew has a mate over to play today . How to destroy a house in 2hours !!!