Monday, February 10, 2014


They came to brighten up our Sunday afternoon wearing warm new coats

Morgan finally collected her prize for her art work and was most impressed with a gift certificate.
All too soon it was time for them to leave.

We also left to attend our book group and we were discussing an article from the United Church magazine about a minister who does not believe in God.  We had a lively, intellectual discussion it was interesting but not very inspiring.

Faith is a mystery that comes through experiences and is not always felt but gives me unexpected strength and courage and is a creative energy that I believe is with us always not up in a cloud but within us all.  We can respect all faiths and learn from them but keep our own unique identity.

I welcome His presence and My prayer is illuminate me and never leave me!


Sandra said...

And how are you both feeling today? Took Lucy to the vet yesterday, we will wait and see if sore gets better for a bit before we decide to cut it out or not. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Dad had a lot of hip pain which I think he is not sure about. I had a shorter walk. I am completely frustrated with my test but will do the blood test to-morrow. Fasting in the morning will be hard. I will drink water and go for a walk.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Usually my appointment for a fasting blood test is at 8am. I hope they gave you an early time. I have to drive for 30 minutes to get there, so get an early start. I take something to eat and a bottle of water.

Beth...I always cannot drink anything for a fasting blood eating, not drinking after 8pm. Maybe you should check it out.

Sorry to hear that Larry is suffering with his hip pain...sure makes it hard to sleep.

My piano student will arrive to go,

good luck with the tests. love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Jasmine doing longer days at kinder, she loves it, and has many new friends. Daddy has to drop her off , or she will cry??? Says she doesn't care if I leave but gets sad if Mommy leaves?? so she says . Matthew likes school as well. Jesse doing ok , has to look for work experience placement. Melina is about to finish off her teachers aide course soon. Me , I am enjoying not going to work for the next week or soon.

beth bennett said...

Sounds like all is going well. Congratulations to you Melina. Theresa has a little girl with celiac and also Type 1 diabebeties. She is so brave.

love mom