Sunday, February 2, 2014


Time is precious
and seems to be going by so fast in many ways.

Somethings  some times take a lot of time and patience.
These are from our time we spent at Fort Langley.  It was a place that you felt like you were going back in time and it was wonderful.  It is changing like a lot of places and there are more new homes and stores.

There is a new restaurant and bar opening beside the Safeway right by our walkway.  My concern is that it will bring more noise and traffic to our little quiet neighborhood.  We will just have to adjust but  feel badly doe the homes that are right behind it.  It was suggested that our walkway should be closed and I think now would be a good time to do it.  It means a little extra walking to go around several blocks but that is good for us all.  Dad does not think it necessary.

Anyway dad and \I had a lengthy  and lively visit with Tavia.  Time flew by.  She was very helpful and next time we will make quinwa    Ken you and Melina you did not meet her when you were here.

Today I will go to church and then have lunch at Sandra and Randy's with Pentali.   Dad is till having pain.    Had  a Skype visit with Carol but she thought she was  contacting Sandra?

Life presents us with many timeless questions why it can seem unfair and why there is war and poverty and injustice  Some everyday questions and some philosophical about  human nature that has never changed from the beginning of time.

Yes we can question God and hopefully learn to discuss our problems with him and with others.

I know I need God.
I know I need wisdom and guidance
I know I need healing
I need the peace and healing that comes through forgiveness and salvation.
I believe salvation is the will of God for all of us and for all the earth.
Salvation is a gift and a process that creates peace and plenty for all.

Never was a time that I was not aware of this even from a young age.  Like a babe is formed in it's mothers womb faith is formed within us naturally if we nurture it  but it takes time.

Babies need love and faith grows when we bond with the love of our Heavenly Father!


Sandra said...

That it is because I signed onto Skype with my account at your house. Even though you and dad swear up and down your ways of keeping track of numbers is perfect neither of you can find you Skype account info. Had a good but tiring visit with friends from work. Their daughters are 2 and a half and very much into running around the house screaming. My animals were not impressed. Tamara and I walked down to the duck pond with her daughter Lily Anne as they were the last to leave. I took the dogs for a big long walk after it got dark to make it up to them. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I think that "confidence" might be a word that is better or more accurate about what can be good about religion rather than "faith". That is, confidence that the unlikelihood of existence reflects that some primary entity/concept/structure greater than humanity exists.

In my view, as the idea of "confidence" grows, it can absorb not only religious concepts (while eliminating religious doctrine, which is the residue of human flaws in the search for god), but also art and science. In about 500 years, the distinction between praying, singing, and studying/researching will disappear: doing one will be doing all the others.



Anonymous said...

I think that "confidence" might be a word that is better or more accurate about what can be good about religion rather than "faith". That is, confidence that the unlikelihood of existence reflects that some primary entity/concept/structure greater than humanity exists.

In my view, as the idea of "confidence" grows, it can absorb not only religious concepts (while eliminating religious doctrine, which is the residue of human flaws in the search for god), but also art and science. In about 500 years, the distinction between praying, singing, and studying/researching will disappear: doing one will be doing all the others.



Anonymous said...

No, I don't think my postings are so important that they should be read twice!



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick you make some good points and I probably did need to read it twice.

Nice to have your comments.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Well done Seahawks. Cool change came , now it's not so hot but humid.