Sunday, March 23, 2014


Two important scriptures  are:

Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,
John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Every day is like a new beginning.

When I begin my walk I feel I really do not need my cane but after a few blocks I start getting a little wobbly.  Even before spring really begins these primroses and other bulbs begin to push out and up from the hard ground.

Trying to read the Bible is very difficult.    Ancient Hebrew written so long ago is hard to understand but they had many of the same problems we do today.  It does not have a teaching of "original sin"  as some teach.  It does reveal that we suffer consequences for our actions. 

The hard questions are why innocent good people suffer like Roshan Thomas helping run a school in Afghanistan.  She had dedicated her life to this task.  Also what happened to a whole plane load of innocent people?

Different religions have different answers.  Buddhism frankly admits "life is suffering and advises us to embrace it".  Others consider it the will of God or a result of bad karma.  The Christian faith,  building on Jewish foundation, has a view that almost seems paradoxical.  On one hand we are encouraged to fight for justice and protest against evil, keeping love and forgiveness in our hearts.

Jesus prayed that God's will be done and that people would be healed and good overcome evil.  From the life of Jesus I believe that God is on the side of the sufferer and His love never leaves us.

"Human love can reach right into death, but not if it merely is human love."  -Philip Yancy

Dad and I have had a quiet day yesterday  and missed Leah and her two little doggies following us up and down stairs.  We did go out to the library such an interesting place. There  were some cute little children in the children's section where I like looking at the colorful pictures.   I picked out a new D.V.D. about an English lawyer and we watched one episode. 

I will not be beginning any new books until I finish ones I have started.  I was also looking at my old journals where I used to write letters to my children just to express some of my thoughts and worries.  I am trying to decide whether to keep them or not.  I will for awhile.

We will be off to church today and may visit Howard in hospital and have been invited to Sandra and Randy's home for supper.  Hurrah!

The amazing discovery is that God is with us in all of our suffering.

God is in our joy, our peace, our passions, our wisdom as well as our foolishness. In every experience yet beyond our understand.


Anonymous said...

So you now take the cane along on most walks?

I think God is more like an elegant mathematical formula, or an exquisitely thrilling symphony, than anything else. Of course, these things, while transcendently beautiful, cannot (and do not) "care" in any normal way about the fate of people. This could be a disturbing idea, but I don't think it is, not really. In any event, believing this at least removes the necessity to ask the question of why-bad-things-happen-to-good-people.



Sandra said...

Busy morning, Skype with Lincoln and Simone and I have a land scape lady coming over and Lucy has to go back to the vet, she is not walking right. See you later on today. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

I guess when we go through trials and tribulations the Buddhist idea of embracing it is wise....rather than fighting it! Makes it a lot easier. Interesting writings, Beth...made me think!

My beloved old auntie had a cane and she called it her " old man"! Funny!

Sandra, I hope Lucy is is such a worry when our pets are ill.

Have a nice supper with your family, Larry and Beth,

Love, Nancy

Theresa said...

I just got all caught up on your blog ! I was Facebook/internet free for a week while on our trip to Oregon. When do you hear back about your scan? I am glad you are using a cane. I think, just like eye glasses, a cane makes someone look wiser and more interesting. And you will have both! Lucky you!