Tuesday, March 25, 2014


We are so very blessed to have signs of spring appearing all of a sudden, well we are just noticing it more and more.  It is cold in the morning but the sun comes out and warms everything to a perfect temperature.

We are so blessed to have our caring family and our table full of good food.  Mandy brought some as did Theresa and the desert was rice pudding made with mincemeat.  Wow!  So with all that Sandra and Randy had made it was a real feast! 
There are lots of little critters enjoying our back yard pond.  All the cats in the neighborhood drop by for a drink.  Then the squirrels usually come in pairs.  Soon the little birds will be building a nest in our bird house.

P3220650Dad and I had a good walk in the forest.  We saw three fat happy robins dressed in their fine bright vests down by the picnic area.  Also there was a group of birds make a noise in the trees behind us while overhead the eagles were flying.

 Just as we were leaving two little dogs were barking as hard as they could.  Quite adorable.  All worth a sore hip (dad) and my aching legs!  A little rest and we were raring to go.

This was one of those days that went by so quickly and was very enjoyable. 

It is such a blessing to be able to see and experience the beauty of nature and also to receive and give love to those around us.


Sandra said...

I was able to come home from work and have the patio door open while I made supper. Both Spooky and Missy took a walk around the yard checking out the changes. Today is tear down fence day and the new widow Sophie still can not decide if she will let us replace the section we share with her. And that is after Randy spent an hour and a half having coffee with her yesterday. Not looking good. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Yes, nature can be a beautiful thing.



beth bennett said...

Maybe she will change her mind when she sees the new fence going up or will that be too late?

Shandel said...

nature is so beautiful. it is where i feel most at peace. Delightful blog today, sounds like you enjoyed yourself. and that makes me happy. Spring is the promise of Summer ahead. and i hope we get a nice hot one too. :D

Anonymous said...

our neighbour would not change the fence either. but the law is that the have to if is broken