Thursday, March 27, 2014


This is our library where there is a new young man just started working and he is so very helpful and has a bright smile and has changed the whole atmosphere! Some of the ladies remind me of serious teachers but they too have always been kind and helpful.

Whether I hear about a new book on the C.B.C. or read about one in the Sun newspaper I think I would like to read that one.

I want to have a look at a story written by a Van. lawyer who is an author, artist as well as a criminal lawyer.  He has written on constitutional law, expert evidence and undercover operations.  The book is called   “Tough Tiddlywinks”.  The author is Christopher Nowlin.  It tackles tough social interests and includes illustrations that are humorous.  Even the picture of the Resistance, a hard core group bicyclists from West Van. adds to the entertaining message of city politics and messed up lives.
It is important to stop and take time to listen to the stories
of others and to tell our own stories.

It is the way wisdom gets passed along.

"Pain explains a great deal of human conduct, but the fear of pain even more."   from "Unsaid"

"A poignant read on the meaning of life-how death and despair can lead to renewal and life, if one realizes the interconnectedness of all creatures."    -Irene Pepperberg
A review of the book "Unsaid."

Sounds like the story of Easter where the death of Jesus leads to new life.

I had a much better walk yesterday so good I did not listen to myself. 

Today is visiting Jim who does not expect to still be there but I think I will pick up a milkshake anyway!


Sandra said...

Fear is such a bad horrible emotion. Ruins our health and can lead us into bad decisions. Peanut has decided she is afraid to do her business in the back yard. It is too scary with all the lumber and no fence. Good thing I put down something on the laundry room floor before this all started. Sandra

Theresa said...

Grandma, where do you get all your awesome quotes from?

larry bennett said...

Poor peanut - I'm sure she is worried and upset about what Lucy is going through - it is a strange world for puppies.

Anonymous said...

Well Momma cat had 5 more kittens yesterday ....uggghh . We now have 7 cats , 6 kittens and one puppy , and the puppy wakes at 430am 530am and 630am ...ugghhh worse than kids .Last early shift for me today (0330-1300) then one day off and back for an early shift on Sunday. Hope it stops raining for you . Ken

Anonymous said...

"Tough Tiddlywinks" sounds like a great book. Let me know if you actually get it.

I'm glad the new fellow at the library is enthusiastic and helpful. That makes a great difference in whatever you are doing, I find.



beth bennett said...

Poor Peanut gone through a lot of changes.

Ken I think your mother cat needs to be fixed. Too bad dad is not there he was good at giving away kittens. You take them in a little box to wherever children are and they will want one.

I may go look for that book today or to-morrow Rick.

Well Theresa I get quotes from what I am reading and I have several little books of little quotes. I am now looking for quotes about time and have found just the right book to quote.
I get them off the radio and the church bulletin too.

love mom (grandma)

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, you do have great quotes. I remember my Father had a large book of great quotations....he loved it!

Agreed, the kindest thing you can do for your pets is spay and neuter. There are just too many unwanted pets in this world.

We just had two tough days in Winnipeg and sure will be glad to stay home tomorrow. Carl had 4 doctor appointments. The wait was over an hour for each one...ridiculous! One was an hour and half.

It is still winter here...the highways were really icy. Blowing snow, although it was sunny. The high temp was -15. normal is plus 4.

The sun is really warm.

How was grouchy Jim today? Still there, I bet.

Take care Beth, love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy you both must be exhausted, but I hope you received some help.

No Grouchy Jim had asked to go to hospital I knew he was close to the end,

We should catch up on e-mail.

love beth

nancy-Lou said...

I don't have your email address Beth.
You can send me an email, so I can get your address and I will write.
My email address is