Monday, March 24, 2014


"Philosophy begins in wonder.
And at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains."  Alfred Whitehead.

The sun shine highlights this stain glass window with rich color.  We listen to the story of the woman at the well, an outcast and like all  poor women at that time needed a man to provide for her.  Jesus looks into her heart and sees she is fragile and heals her so deeply she has to tell everyone what has happened to her.
She becomes strong!

"Even in times of confusion and fear, when our spirit can be broken by a world that is so full of violence and contradiction, we may come to know the healing centre, God present with us"   He is the healer that offers new hope and new life.

On the way to church we see lots of signs of spring.
These little flowers seem so fragile and vulnerable in the harsh cold of the morning.
Life can change abruptly and leave us feeling fragile and anxious.

Lucy, Sandra's dog was reacting badly and caused her to take her right to the vet.  She learned it was just the re-action to the medicine.

Our friend who ended up in hospital looked so fragile and weak.  I was able to get him to eat some apple sauce and drink some milk which he had not done all day.  His wife has a heavy load in making decisions about their future.  How much care will he now need and where can they afford to live?

After our visit at the hospital we had a delightful dinner with Sandra and Randy, his daughter  Mandy and husband James, and Theresa and the two children Ben and Morgan.

:The tenacity toward all life endures in all of us, undiminished, until the moment of our death."
-Rachael Naomi Remen, M.D.

Dad is off to the dentist today and the children are back in school.


Sandra said...

Kitchen is clean, Lucy is walking fine, and the sun should shine again today. Too bad I have to go to work. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Yes, wonder is like beauty is like God.



Theresa said...

Thank you for letting us crash the party. Sorry I wasn't able to clean up more before we left.