Friday, March 7, 2014


Another rainy morning.

"Let the raindrops beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. . .
I love the rain."      Langston Hughes

I am thankful for the rain as a gift from heaven to provide the moisture we need and the leaves all bright and shiny and the air clean and fresh.   Dressed right you can enjoy walking in the rain.

Yes I am going for my walks and my few walking buddies who I meet regularly,  when we go at the same time,  tell me I am doing so much better and to keep it up.  I even was given a tiny heart with cinnamon candies in it too.

Dad just got a call from his new family doctor to come in for a visit, so that is good.  He goes on Tues.  He also got a call about the Ultra sound on Tues. also from two hospitals Peace Arch and Jim Patterson.  He is keeping one at Peace Arch. 

 I am glad we where home to get these calls and also a phone call from Carol about selling her home in the Cayman.

 I decided not to go to the clinic yesterday because I wanted to do my visiting , which is important to me, and which I did not do last week.  Two of the ladies I spoke with said I had brightened their day and Jim appreciated his milk shake.

Small things can mean a lot. Meanwhile I am waiting for phone calls for me!

 Sacredness in the ordinary.

"At some time in life we could all be monks.   Everyday we could all bring the monastic spirit into the world, making it alive, profoundly communal, and joyous."  -Thomas Moore

I would add maybe more compassionate and peaceful.

"A divided world has rendered secularity a source of insanity and aggression, and it has made religion vapid and unhelpful or fanatic and dangerous.  We need to enjoy secular life, and we need a sense of the sacred for depth of sensitivity and meaning."    -Moore


Sandra said...

Did Carol and Pantelie's house sell? Working today. Found out our dumb "smart" thermostat was heating our house all day long. Sandra

beth bennett said...

No they had a very low offer.

Sad when you cannot trust your thermostat.

I am not sure what we are doing today.
love mon

Anonymous said...

What clinic didn't you go to?

You better be preparing that lay-about Jim for the day ...



Anonymous said...

Luckily, I looked at my calendar just before work and realized my meeting is in Richmond this morning, so I won't be able to drop in like I was planning to today. Our first offer was too low, but Carol has an open house planned this weekend. xo Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

So glad you are walking a lot better Beth and others noticing really perks you up, right! Good for you!

Your heading of "Rain and more Rain" could be "snow and more snow" here. We had about 14 inches in the last 36 hours...three storms blew through. We had to have our driveway plowed twice and we had to shovel twice...I will post some pics on facebook.

Take care. love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Dear Rick,
I did not go to the drop in clinic in Walnut Grove where Dr. Nolte goes every Thursday morning.
I was extremely tired that morning and slept all morning.
I phone his nurse who does the booking for the Cat Scan and Dr. Nolte was waiting for Dr. Donaldson who I did not see to decide if it is necessary but he would want to do a colon oscopy which I do not feel up to right now. I do not really like Dr. Donaldson although he is suppose to be a big brain.

I will go next Thursday and find out what is going on.

Today dad and I will have a short visit with Howard and Vera and then go out to eat at the social house.

Pentali can drop by there or here as we do not know his time.

According to the nurse this particular Cat Scan is extremely expensive.

Dad is seeing his doctor and getting his test done, Ultra sound I believe.

I feel that I am improving but still feeling tired, more than normal.

Dad must not worry. I know what I am doing Now.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Off to footy this morning. Matthew gets to kick the footy with The famous players from Essendon Bombers, the first graders . We parents aren't allowed in. The players will be avail for autographs after the clinic only.
Thanks for the update . Hope your both feeling better .