Saturday, March 8, 2014


Dad has taken the old fence down as it was falling down with the snow and wind.  The work will be on going for a long time.  A mess to be cleaned up and taken away.

Signs of the ongoing work in the garden too.
DSCN2384We had a meaningful visit with Vera and Howard.  Dad told about getting lost in the Water Shed park and then we talked of other things; but as we said good-bye he said now do not get lost going home!  We treat him with respect as we would like to be treated.  Both dad and I recognize how import it is for our brains to keep functioning so that we can remember and also that we can speak what we want to say.

I am finishing my mystery story called "The Fatal Winter" I have two choices of books to read.

 The one book is called "Still Alice" that is a heat breaking but beautiful story about Alzheimer's.  A story about reality and a misunderstood disease.  We grow old and we change but deep inside we are still us!  I think that is what is important when we visit our elderly friends.

The other book is called "The Misunderstood Jew"  by Amy-Jill Levine.  I like the one quote that says: "Belief is like love, it cannot be compelled.  It does not rest on logical argument or historical proof.

To understand either of these topics I need to learn more.

"Differences between Jews and Christians derive only from different sacred scriptures, historical memories and lived experiences."

"The divorcing of Jesus from Judaism does both a disservice to each texturally, historically and ethically."

At the end of the day when all has been said and done ":Be yourself, everyone else is taken,"  -Demi Lovato

Dad went for a walk in the woods and I had a nap when we got home so I am adjusting to the lack of energy and doing my walking and reading and enjoying a slower pace so this may just be ongoing!

I believe in some mystical way Jesus fills our hearts and souls with love that has always been there but we have ignored it this is a comfort to me.

"Seek and ye shall find."


Sandra said...

Was that I library book, if not I will borrow it off of you. I have been having trouble with my kindle battery dying too fast. Will pop in today when we go to get the book shelves from Jane. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Sandra, do you power your kindle off or leave it it sleep mode? To power off hold the off button until it starts flashing ...then let go. The screen goes blank.

I read "Still Alice" and it was really lets you almost "live" how the woman feels.

Beth, we too, are adjusting to retired life after many years and find that we don't have the same energy either. I feel guilty resting in between doing household chores..after being able to work...full out, all day long! But I am beginning to thing maybe it is a good thing to be lazy!

Our house always was a beehive of activity, with Carl's office being here....people were always coming and it is very quiet. I am so glad we have the new little dogs to bring a ray of sunshine in to our lives...they are amazing little dogs. I guess it is all about acceptance of where we are in this life....and sometimes it isn't easy.

I still teach music lessons and art classes so that keeps me busy...not as many as I used to and I dont travel anymore.

It sounds as though you and Larry keep busy, especially with your caring for others. What a wonderful thing to do.

Oh, we have warm weather...that is relativie...from -28 in the daytime to-6 seems like we skipped spring and summer is here. Whew what a change! Did you see the pics of the snow at our place on facebook?

Have a good day, love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy we saw your winter pictures, so beautiful. Your yard looks so great.
Thanks for reminding we are all feeling our age.

I still want to make my own decisions while I can.

love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Here is a link to a song I composed for Bella and Max....they bring me such happiness! I hope you can copy and paste into your browser.

love Nancy

nancy-Lou said...
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Anonymous said...

We did dinner and the theater last night , it was great . Got home at 1am then I got up for work at 4am. Temps are back on the 30's.
Too tired to write zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxx