Tuesday, March 11, 2014


This was our early morning drive to White Rock and seeing the sun pushing away all those nasty clouds lifted our spirits.
we are on the  freeway going fast.  The best scenery is always on the other side of the car from where I am sitting.  I have to twist all around to try and capture the light in the sky.

P3110560.I loved the card you sent Sandra and I had a good laugh!   My cookies look pretty plain beside that one with chocolate chips and all.  You do find the best cards!

I loved the words too!  I thought with all these cookies I should get my cookie jar out even if it is not Christmas!

Tough Cookie
Someone with just the right mix of sweetness and strength.
One who does not crumble under pressure.
A fighter who's too busy kicking butt to sit down and cry, but knows it's okay to do both.
A person who doesn't always ask for support, but has lots of friends who would do anything to help.

Yes dad and I are hanging in there.  I have one appointment Wed. for the colonoscopy  consultation (I will miss my Bible study with my happy group).    One on Monday scheduled for a brain scan with dye.  I will be happy to have everything show nothing!  Ha  

Leah is also coming over today, Wed.so we always have a few good laughs with her. 


Sandra said...

Oh, I am happy to hear Leah is coming over. Do you have your list ready if she offers to help with something? Remember it does not have to be big. I will stop by after my appointment on Friday afternoon. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes I have a few things I need help with.

Glad you followed my example and are going to see the doctor.

Make a list too!
love mom

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you aren't trying to take photographs while driving!

Yes, the tests might give reassurance when they rule out some of the bad possibilities that the doctor was mentioning.



beth bennett said...

Yes, that is the thing is to rule out all the nasty things and by then that should scare me into being all better!

Not doing much driving these days but it would be temping to take pictures,

love mom