Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Yes all went well.  I had a bit of a headache before and after.  Tension I am sure.  The staff there are excellent so kind and gentle.  I must admit I am glad it is over.

Early morning pictures on my walk.  I felt a lot of prayers and loving thoughts.  Met an old friend another early riser and we got caught up on family news.  We have made so many wonderful friends from all the churches we have attended.  My beliefs have changed but our friendship will never change.
It turn nice and sunny but the wind was chilly.   Dad and I drove over to Jane and Geof's to pick up a airplane picture and some books they thought dad would like to have,  Then we loaded up the car to drop some things off at the church for the rummage sale in April. 

Dad dropped me at home and he and Geof had lunch together.  Geof could not be a good help at this time.  This would make it easier for Jane and a great blessing for Geof.  Good job dad!

I was pleased to keep busy hoping the time would go faster.  Until finally it was time to go to Peace Arch for my brain scan.

I thought I would continue reading about intuition as we had not really discussed it.  My first thought about it is just to listen and to follow your heart.

"Intuition is direct precept of truth or fact, independent of any reasoning process."  It appears it is possible to cultivate intuition and find trusting faith by letting go of the need for certainty and also letting go of fear.  Trusting insight, experience, faith and reason.

"Faith is a place of mystery, where we find the courage to believe in what we cannot see and yes strength to cope with uncertainty."

Faith is essential when we decide to live and love with our whole hearts in a world where most of us want assurances before we risk being vulnerable and getting hurt." -from the Gifts Of Imperfection."

Embracing Who I Am is my goal.   Very peaceful sleep last nigh!


Sandra said...

I am sure it is nice to have that over and done with. That was a surprisingly cold wind yesterday. Our evergreens get taken out today. We will have a very bare yard for a while. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Glad it went well.



Anonymous said...

Glad I went well , I am sure they will find your as healthy as ever and have the brain of a twenty year old !


nancy-Lou said...

I am so glad your scan is over with and now you can relax, Beth. Was is a CT scan or an MRI? I had an MRI of my brain a couple of years ago and it went well...But it was really noisy. Banging and booming and clanging.

Nice early morning pics of your walk....you sure go out early.

I took Bella and Max for their walk today and they really get sxcited about going. Max dances around on his hind legs and barks and Bella jumps and jumps like a kangaroo.

take things easy and rest lots,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes, I think my doctor is just trying to scare me into doing all the tests.

It was a scan I believe, very quiet.

Yes I rested today.