Sunday, March 2, 2014


I look at all the big trees as I go for my walks and am amazed at all the wind and snow and rain they valiantly endured.  The wind breaks many branches as does the snow that weighs them down.
‘In the calligraphy of their shapes against the sky is written strength of character and perseverance, survival of wind, drought, cold, heat, disease.”
Integrity comes with being who you are.

I am alive, I am getting better, I am happy, I am loved. I am walking pretty good.  I am hopeful and thankful,  My tests are coming in with good results.  We are all getting older and have our aches and pains and have to take responsibility for our health and well being.

Prayer is helpful for me.
I  prayed to meet the right person at the Safeway and I did.
 Received some very helpful advice.

I pray for strength for strength and healing for both dad and myself.  
I pray for wisdom as we encourage each other and to make the right decisions together.

Life has it's ups and downs but life is good!     No Worries Mate!
 Both helps us to become people of integrity,  becoming more of who we are meant to be.

Time now for spring and new life in the trees and new flowers blooming.  
Then why is it colder and little snow flakes are falling?

Had an early walk in the snow.  Not going to attempt church.  Dad not too good.


Sandra said...

Speaking of ups and downs, our play house is down! It is a very nice play house and I am glad that it is going to a good home with a much bigger yard. In this tiny yard it was just an eye sore, taking the place of where a tree should be. They still have to take it away today so I am glad it did not snow too much. Glad you and dad are feeling better? Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

That is good news to hear, glad you are starting to feel better. I am sure you are too. Good for you for seeing your doctor and having more tests. I can tell you are not fond of them, but sometimes we have to go!

Trees fascinate me too and I often paint them. I think there is a lot more to trees and flowers than we really can feel it.
Living in the Boreal Forest, we have some beautiful trees...not huge, as you have at the coast, but very pretty, such as the Birch and Tamarack trees.

I hear you are getting more snow careful outside, it may be slippery.


Anonymous said...

We get our new puppy after school today. Don't know how he will fit in with the mommy cat and her kitten. Mommy cat looks pregnant again!!
Watching the canucks game , feel sorry for Luongo.