Friday, March 21, 2014


Morning prayer and morning walk and my morning journal have become one way I am set in my ways.  I also try to read from some spiritual book, sometimes the Bible but not always.  It is a quiet time where I can just sit and gaze out the window and release my worries through meditation and quiet.

"The healing stillness of a quiet mind nourishes every aspect of our lives."
from "Take Your Time the Wisdom of Slowing Down" by Eknath Easwaran

I want to live my life by faith in what is called your higher power.  This is within us and around us and gives life its purpose and meaning.  This makes the meaning of Easter a time to see Jesus as having lived and still living.
Yes, the Bible was of course written by human beings-the word of God in the words of men, constrained by there traditions and their culture and the very constraints of their own language.    And yet their messages have the power to change our lives.
Some may say I have two crutches the one I walk with and my faith,

"A short period of quiet inspiration in the morning will anchor the rest of your day."   _Eknath Easwaran

I must admit I did not feel like visiting Jim at the Seniors Home as you all know he can be difficult.  Also I felt that I should not drive just yet because I have this funny feeling that I do not know if my legs are not working or if it is my brain. 

I suggested to dad if we drove to the home we could carry on over and visiting Sandra and the dogs.  Both dogs came barking at the door when we arrived which was good.  Also Jim had a very bad health scare and has been told his heart is shutting down.  He blacked out and was unable to walk and he refused to go to hospital.  I know he was glad to see me and share this with me and also tell me again he appreciates the mild shakes.  I asked him if I could pray for him but he just got angry and I said that was okay whatever he wanted.  I told him it has been an interesting experience visiting him and that we both knew his time was running out.

After we got home from Sandra's dad got another call from the doctors office for him to make an appointment for a heart Echocardiogram..  High frequency waves look at the structure of the heart to make sure it is not producing blood clots.  I am so pleased that they are doing all this testing to do all that can be done to prevent a major stroke.

Hopefully I can stay awake to read one chapter of my mystery "A Fatal Winter".

Looking forward to a visit from Leah!


Anonymous said...

Yucky , busy night at work tonight . Last late shift , Three days off now , back am Tuesday.

Shandel said...

Grandma you are so beautiful! inside and out. What a nice photo of yourself to share with us.

nancy-Lou said...

Set in My Ways....quite sounds like me too, Beth. It is comforting to have a routine. How many years have you been doing this...your early morning walk, your blog and prayer? You deserve a medal for your dedication!

I find painting, when I am alone, can be a form of takes me away to a place where I am really not aware of anything else. Lost in the painting. Painting for me, can be intuative....not always...but happens. The same with music. I can just sit down and play, without any pre-thought and without a music score or memorized music. I think it too, is a form of meditation and you feel so good afterwards, don't you?

Do you have more tests coming up? I hope you are feeling better and getting stronger now.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

A crutch is just another word for help, and we all need that in some form or another. For lots of people those crutches can turn them into mean and abusive people, glad to say your belief in God has not so far, and hopefully you do not start bashing people in the head with your cane. Got in a mini skype with Mary and Simone this morning then took the dogs for a mini walk. Even though Lucy assured me she could go further with the stitches right on her elbow I did not want to push her too much. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra.

Yes, Nancy I am doing so much better and consider myself healthy now. Had an excellent long walk today.

I still have a body scan on April 16. an neck ultrasound on Aug. 12 and a possible colon test on May 16.

No high priority for me.

I am happy to have more energy!

love mom (Beth)

nancy-Lou said...

Oh that is such good new, Beth. A longer walk and more energy! I am so glad. Keep up the good work! Your upcoming tests are not hard....the scans..the colonoscopy...well that is unpleasant that is for sure...but I heard on the news that they have developed a blood test, rather than a colonoscopy, that relies on DNA and it is over 90% effective...BUT it is not available to the public yet! They can't bring it soon enough for us, right?

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...


Theresa said...

I am reading an interesting book about habits. It is called the power of habit by Charles Duhigg. Really good. I like books about brains :) did you know things we do out of habit use a completely different part of our brain vs things we have only done a couple times.