Wednesday, March 5, 2014


“We honour life by being gentle, respectful and reverent in the way we honour self and each other.”  Parker J. Palmer
This is not an easy time for dad and I as we are trying to find out exactly what are health issues are and how we can deal with them.  Dad certainly has been given his appointments quickly and things are moving right along.
To-morrow he has a blood test, yes another one.  He does not mind fasting in the morning which I certainly do not like.  Yes, I like my coffee and toast first thing. 
He  has a blood testing monitor and also some sample pills as they continue to try and find out the cause of his TIA.  Life certainly can be like a novel with its perils and pitfalls , but we keep reading to reach the ending.

We are the "characters " and what a pair we are!  I am the one always doing the wrong thing!.  

Along the way we hear lots of different messages and the goal is to be discerning and sharing what we are learning.
I believe that dad and I are on a healing path with the help of our family and friends and also with  the help of laughter!


Sandra said...

How is dads blood pressure now he is home and not arguing with ticket takers? It looks miserable out there this morning, but I will suit up and tackle the walk anyways. Lucy has her appointment for her tooth to be pulled. Sandra

Theresa said...

I am happy to hear your health is the number one priority. I hope that means you will be asking more often for help; instead of juat offering. You have been such amazing examples to all of your family and friends. Being there for others without a second thought or motive, other than to be helpful. We admire that and want to be doing the same. I wish I was closer so I could truly be of ore help. I appreciate your blog more than ever grandma, it helps ease my worry. And allows me to give my two cents. Love you guys. Take care of each other. And grandma, quit being so hard on yourself!

beth bennett said...

Thank you Theresa. I was trying to be a little funny about being a character
I have made maybe another wrong decision cancelling my appointment with the specialist but hopefully grandpa can get all his tests done soon and ease both our minds. I am hoping my cat scan will come sooner for myself too so that that appointment will not be necessary. So we are living day to day and so appreciate your thoughtful words. We feel we have reaped many rewards in the lives of our children and great grand-children.

Grandpa's pressure is still up this morning so this could be the main cause.
Blessings Grama

Anonymous said...

How is Grammpa feeling today? I will give you guys a call tonight after work. Wish I could make all this easier on you guys.
I guess we don't think much about health until its slipping...
love Kim