Saturday, March 15, 2014


Some times I just feel like I am walking in circles with people asking me questions and I have no answers yet.
I think maybe I do not ask the doctor enough questions.  I was a little frightened when he mentioned the big C.
Dad and I enjoyed a sunny walk in the forest together.
Then it was home to welcome our house cleaner but I do not know if we will continue this, but things did look a little brighter.
Lots of mud the path but the reflections are neat.
Came home and were surprised with several visiters with flowers and food.
Lots of logs blown down by the wind, rain and snow.  It is amazing how nature restores it self and also the human body.  I am confident and hopeful and also thanks for the phone calls from Ken, Carol and Kim.  Could not visit with Sandra as there was two many people around.  Strange how things all happen at  It is wonderful to be so loved.

I enjoy my early morning walks by myself and also the walk with dad in the forest.
Both are a part of my healing process!

No Worries all will be well!


Shandel said...

Great photos of the forest. I am so looking forward to when Spring and Summer arrive and we can too walk in our forests. Daisy always goes crazy with her nose, too many things for her to smell at once. We saw a couple Canadian geese yesterday. That was lovely to see, as i believe its a good sign Spring is moving in soon. Every morning i read your blog, and i highlight all the important funny lovely things to Cameron. So we are all very much in the loop with your daily activities. thank you for always sharing. the good and the bad and event the ugly. C word is quite ugly, but its better to know whats happening to have treatments VS not knowing and letting things get worse. You are a strong vibrant lady and anyone who knows you or reads this blog know you will not go out with out a fight. :D i am going to locate some nice letter writing paper and send out some letters. We never write to each other anymore (people in general) and i always loved writing letters and notes. Hope you dont mind spelling errors hahaha lots of love from US!

beth bennett said...

Kind and loving words are a part of the healing process.

Yes this is a family affair and expressing our love to and for each other helps me focus on the import things.
Love you both too!
love Grama

Sandra said...

Oh, I put my comment on the wrong day. I love writing paper too, though I can not write very well any more because of the arthritis in my hands. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Great to chat with you guys this morning even tho just by phone and get all caught up! Here's a link to a blog post on Leadership that I worte as part of a Twittechat I hosted. I think Grandpa will find it funny. Plus, I even snuck in some Bible references.

nancy-Lou said...

You are so fortunate to have such a beautiful place to walk, that is not snowy, close by. The pictures are lovely Beth. Especially the ones with reflections.

I decided not to go for a walk with Max and Bella today...I chickened out! Just the thought of having to struggle in to my ski pants and other winter duds...made me change my mind. It was -27 C this morning and not much warmer now.

Max and Bella got exercise running from window to window barking at the deer. Six does were here six times today. The young aare looking pretty thin from the tough winter. The only place the deer can walk is on the roads.

Glad to hear you had a cleaning lady come makes such a difference to have one. I used to, when Carl had his business....but now do it all! I wish she could come back. I didn't think I would like having someone come in to my home..but found it was simply divine! We often would go out and when we returned it was so nice.
Smelled so good too.

So nice to read all the positive, caring comments on your blog. Your family and wonderful!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Good to see you guys walking together. Good news that dad is feeling better. Jasmine off to a fairy birthday party today. Matthew and I are going to see a movie.