Monday, March 3, 2014


Began for Sandra and I as we took our morning walks.  There was a slight snow falling and the white snow brightens up the morning.
Came home to have breakfast and our neighbors had shoveled our walk.  We are so fortunate to have such kind friends.

Nice for dad to have a talk with Carol on the phone.  He mentioned he may had had a stroke.  Since he seemed better \I thought we could wait until Monday to go to the doctor but decided I should phone Sandra. 

She quickly came over to drive us to the emergency where we spent about 6 hours I think.  Dad had his blood pressure taken, had some blood taken and also had a cat scan.  Although nothing should up we were admonished for not coming in when the first signs of speech difficulty not being able to remember things and then going to bed with a headache,  He woke up after a few hours sleep and seemed better.

He will be seeing a specialist this week.  A busy week for us both not quite sure how we will handle it but I know we will.

So Sandra had a good excuse not to do her income tax!  She is a wonderful daughter who comes to help when we mess things up.  I know my thinking is not so good either although much better.
Thank you Sandra with all our love!

Phone the Alexanders to wish Mikie a Happy Birthday but no answer. 

Ken phoned while we were out so I phoned back and then he phoned back.  Many changes in their lives to.

So thankful I am doing better but will ask for help when I need it.


Sandra said...

And just so you know, I am spreading the word that you have agreed to sell the house! No backing out now. I went to bed early last night, even though Randy suggested I stay up and finish the taxes. Sandra

Shandel said...

What a scary weekend! i am glad to hear that everything is ok (for the most part) hope you guys can see a specialist to find out what is actually going on. I had a bit of a scare in one of my yoga classes on Saturday. It resulted in me calling 911 for emergency care for one of my students. YIKES!

Time to sell the house is it?

beth bennett said...

I am in no hurray.
I am glad you went to bed early
I was awake at 3 dad had a good sleep in.
I had a walk.
All is well/
love mom

beth bennett said...

Dad has an appointment to-morrow, Tuesday at the Jim Patterson Center with Dr. Symth @ 9:10.
He feels okay to drive.
I am happy they are doing this quickly. love mom

Anonymous said...

It's great that the doctors are able to act so quickly. We might not have the best health care system, but it seems to kcik in pretty good for serious stuff.

larry bennett said...

Yes it is a very good system when things get serious - it works best when you call 911 - it is also good to know - if you are having some sort of brain thing you must go to Surrey Memorial - they are evidently the only place in this area that have the proper staff and equipment.

nancy-Lou said...

Wishing Larry a good appointment tomorrow....hoping he gets some answers. Good for them, getting him in quickly. Sending positive thoughts your way!
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I did comment last night on my way home(05:15am your time )but didnt go through from my iphone. Good luck at the Dr's today. Where would you move if you decided to move?