Friday, October 12, 2012


                                        Hope meets me on my walk
as more and more daylight appears and the fog clears so that I see this huge dogwood flower blooming on the tree high above me.  It is huge!  It is beautiful!

It had been an effort to go out into the cold misty morning as I felt a bit tired .  Dad is having stomach and back problems that seem worse when you feel old..  I can find myself feeling useless.  Then it is up to me to shake that feeling off and start thinking more positive.  I realize the importance of spiritual energy and I am thankful that I can pray for others.

It was arranged that I meet my friend for lunch today but she never showed up after I waited a long time.  I got home to the phone ringing and telling me she could not make it.  I wasted time and energy waiting so at first  was annoyed; then relieved  that I not have to listen to all her problems.  Yes, I know some people have more than others but it takes energy to listen especially knowing if you offer advice they willl not take it.

Ken, it must be awful working those miserable shifts and I do not know how you do it.  How is Jasmine and has she had another test yet?

Rick if you came to another sermon by Daniel you who have something else to remember!

Sandra I question the will of God too, but I believe that His will is for each one of us to reach our full potential, to use the gifts that we have been given, to accept the good and bad things with His energy flowing into us.  It is about being loving and caring and forgiving but also about being wise..

Living with hope even when all seems hopeless can be real hard to do.  Dreams have been shattered and I have felt annoyed and abandoned by God.   And yet when we continue to hope I find that faith and love make new dreams possible.   I think that God's will as expressed in the book of Job is for each one of us to look beyond our own pain, and see the pain that others are going through. 

Jeremiah 32: I (God) will rejoice in doing them good. 

 God's will for us is to accept His blessing upon our lives and to be renewed in His love daily.


Anonymous said...

Cold and dark and foggy, I can see why that would slow down your enthusiasim to get out and walk. It is so hard to get up and get moving for work in the morning at this time of year. But thankfull to have a job to complain about! Sandra

Anonymous said...

Thanks Beth for your positive perspective and encouraging faith in what at times seems a very painful world. Even with a few things going wrong in our lives at present we have so much to be thankful for family friends food shelter and more than enough of the necessities of life .Hope springs eternal. Love Jane.

Anonymous said...

I hope the person that didn't show up for lunch doesn't read your blog! Ha ha.

On Tapestry on CBC Radio there was a chap interviewed on the story of Job of the boils and such in the bible. This chap (not Job) says that the point of the story of Job is that God's will was exhausted in the creation (God asks Job at the end of the story after Job was cursing him out, "Were you there when I created the earth?"). I don't agree with the doctrinal path that this chap takes in his theory (I would take a very different one), but I agree with the final result: that is, God does not, say, will one ship to sink in a storm and another to be saved. To believe otherwise is more or less like believing in Yogi Bear, which is a shame not only because it is silly, but because there are real bears and a real park to think about instead of the cartoon character.

Good picture of the dogwood.



Yes, I should hear Daniel again.

nancy-Lou said...

Reading about your friend with "all the problems" who doesn't take your advice....made me think that most of us must have a friend like that! Is she also " the only one with problems?" My friend "one ups" me every time, so I just don't bother saying anything about me! She is a good friend otherwise....creative, hard working,loyal, but full of herself! Your dogwood flower is spectacular! Great pic Beth! I interesting writing about God's will. I am not so sure if he has a will.....perhaps. You always give me something to think about and discuss with my friends. I would like to know their perspective about this! Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

I read somewhere, that friends who are full of problems or depressed need to "give of themselves" by doing volunteer work or charity work....I am going to try to suggest that to my friend! I'll let you know what happens!

larry bennett said...

Some "friends" - like yours nancy-lou possibly just wear one down and take and take and never give.

To see another one of Beths projects - read my story "friends"

larry bennett said...

Actually inmy stories it is called "my friend"

Anonymous said...

It is hard getting up at 2am to go to work . No results yet from Jasmine's oxygen test. We have had another blast of winter here ( wind chill below zero ) so going to work in the cold and wet and wind is hard . I guess if you dress properly you can stay warm..


nancy-Lou said...

thanks have a gift for writing, as does Beth! Love your stories. I will look up, my friend.
You are sure right regarding my self centred friend wearing me down! I feel obligated to still see her because not many people like her....