Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Early Monday morning and it is very foggy.  Fog is depressing and at times I know that I can feel depressed; but the fog always lifts and things change and life goes on.

I hear my neighbors starting their cars and driving off to work and I am thankful to be warm and safe where I am.  Carol, Collen's daughter will soon be here to walk the dogs together.  It can be foggy or rainy, hot or cold, they still do their early morning walk together.

I am reminded that I have wonderful daughters and grand and great granddaughters that bring me love and happiness. 

I did a short walk with Gundy as the fog was lifting.  Dad went later for his walk in the park.  I went and got my hair cut in a bob!

I am in a fog about shopping and cooking and need to start planning and put more effort into this.

On Friday our church is doing a harvest dinner and I need to shop for the items I have promised to contribute.  It is a busy time for a lot of ladies at our church but working together builds deeper friendships.  I have humorous memories of the years that Carol and I cooked turkeys and Ron actually convened the dinner.  Ron did a great job and people still remember him doing it.  It is a lot of hard work but for some it is a labour of love and service.

I have not volunteered to help and dad and I will not be going.    The last dinner dad and I almost did not sit together because I was busy talking and we were among the last to find a seat.  I liked it better when we sat at the long tables and some of our family could join us.  I just do not want to commit to anything right now with the situation so grave with Robbie.

Someone asked Nelson Mandela what he has learned from his years of struggle and imprisonment.

"He thought for a long time and then began: "There is a force in the universe-call it God or spirituality or whatever you like- that wants the victory of truth and justice.  This force will help you if you are steady, humble, brave and patient.  Never give up, however bad things get."
from the book "THE HOPE" by Andrew Harvey that I got from the library.

Had a long talk to Theresa yesterday  and she is glad she is taking her teacher's assistance course.  Ben and Morgan had soccer practices.   I guess it is in doors as it was dark and pouring rain.

Tried to e-mail Ken to get an up-date on his family but the letter kept disappearing.  Very frustrating.

Today looks promising!  It is Tuesday morning.

Today I am going to the dentist.


Anonymous said...

I love the fog, I dont find it depressing at all, it reminds me of my childhood. And you and dad did not sit together, there was no almost about it. I was there and just dad and I sat together. Kenny is back on Facebook, YAY!!!! Horrible love drive home yesterday in the pouring rain and gloom. Accidents at the tunnel and over by the queensbourgh clogged up river road. They really need to start putting in entertainment stations on the way home. Like on park trails where you stop and do 10 pushups. At a certain corner or light every one jumps out and does the chicken dance or something. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

I could just imagine everyone jumping out at the lights and doing the chicken dance! You are funny Sandra. There is that sense of humour again....like your Mom. I am thankful for Winnipeg and it's ease of getting around....even on ice and snow. Beth, one of my friends is a "lost boy" from Darfur Sudan. When I asked him how he managed to get through all the terrors, he clasped my hands and said...."hope". Hope that he would awaken to a new day. WOW...the tears sure flowed. I was reminded of that when I read your quote from Nelson Mandela.We had fog this morning too and when I went out to feed the birds, at first light, it smelled and felt like the coast. Hope all goes well for you at the dentist. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Rember when we had for for two weeks ! It was a bit much after a while

Anonymous said...

No fog here!!

