Tuesday, October 2, 2012


                            One of the dogie friends who stops for a visit and a treat

.......Did not hear the wind last night but it looked like things blown around outside.  Saw a fallen tree on my walk.  Just a small but tall tree.

Dad and I attended a funeral yesterday.  Carol know's Joanne Morden it was her dad,

We did not know the elderly gentleman very well who sat up front with his daughter and grand daughters.  He has not been coming for several years because he was in a seniors home.
 and his health was grafually failing.   On one of his last visits there was a cake after church to celebrate his 90th birthday.  He was 92 when he passed away,.  What an interesting life he had and all the different places he travelled.  He was a chef and could have worked at the House of Parliament.
His grand daughters took part in the service and it was both touching and meaningful.  .
The hymns were especially inspiring.  Everyone knew them and the singing was good 

I believe the scripture for me adds so very much meaning

'Though we know the pains of life we are not crushed, perplexed....so we do not lose heart.  Our inner nature is being renewed by Christ.  This I have seen as I have sat with people at the end of their lives..

We just got there in time as we had gone to White Rock first to see about the pie etc.  Everything takes longer than you expect so we put the   mental to the floor   to make it in time.

Yes, I have some strange rash but evidently not staff.  I could have another biopsy but will wait till I have finished all the dreaded pills that I think are making me sick.  But I have graduated from bandages and now I am covered in anti-itching cream.  I have four ointments to use and can never find the right one.

I think dad is earning his degree in saint hood he is being so patient and helpful.


Anonymous said...

Did you get much wind there last night? We hardly got any. Thank you for going to look for the pie.

nancy-Lou said...

Do I call your husband St.Larry now? He sounds like he is pretty special taking such good care of you Beth. Good for you Larry.
I hope your rash disappears soon, that must be very annoying for you. We had a huge south wind here and it fanned the flames on some serious grass fires that are threatening some small towns as well as an area in Winnipeg. I am always nervous when we have such dry conditions and winds as we almost lost our house to a forest fire a few years ago. Our very brave volunteer fire department saved the day along with 5 other fire departments. We were out in the front yard beating back the sparks and flames that blew here in the wind. So I hope things calm down and no one loses their homes today. Take care, love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I thought your rash was on the improve.Guess not, drink plenty of water, helps the skin. Beautiful weather here at the moment.Today is my first day back to work after two weeks off.

nancy-Lou said...

I love that Hymn, Breathe on Me Breath of God. Love Nancy