Thursday, October 25, 2012


                                     life is a wonderful gift!

 Life is also  full of misunderstandings. Love draws us together but into that relationship can come disagreement, sometimes small but other times more serious.  Through the difficult years we can see each other in a different light. It is important to remember what we saw in each other that caused us to think of the other not as just normal but the love of our life!

I love my husband and my children but there are times we completely disagreed.  I see that this is healthy and normal. Motherhood is very demanding and I was often disorganized, overwhelmed and guilty. It is not only hard work but as a mother I have often taken a stand to protect my child because of the intense emotional connection that mothers have with each one of their children.

There was a time when I was called to be tough in my love and that may have cause misunderstandings.  But we do try to do what is best for our children.

  My prayer for us all would be "May love and strength be in your hands May love and courage be in your heart May love and wisdom be in your mind May God; the energy that is in all life, go with you and be in you. May love be expressed in the simple tasks we do Today and in all your days. Amen"

I like the song from God spell; Day by day, dear Lord These things I pray.... To see Thee more clearly Love Thee more dearly And to follow Thee more nearly Day by day. Buddha says: "Within yourself foster a limitless concern for every living creature (gay or straight, black or white friend or enemy) Display a heart of boundless love for all the world, in its height and depth and breath.

Love unrestrained without hate or enmity," We all need forgiveness (we are flawed and a finder of flaws in each other, and at times love can be damned hard) and so we are in need of redemption that is provided for us by the Lord of all Life.  We can be mended.

Growing up I was taught to mend socks which had to be done so they did not cause discomfort.  At times in my life I have needed to be mended and made new again and many things can contribute to this and knowing I am worth being mended is the most important thing. 

Every life is ordinary and extraordinary!

So off I go visiting.  Dad will do his walking.  Both take an effort.


Sandra said...

The older I get, and the more I recoginze my own faults the more I find it easier to forgive others theirs. Or, to want to forgive them! The desire and the action sometimes do not happen hand in hand. Was watching Opera (almost never ever ever do that) and they had a woman on there who had left her children. While it was all well and good to recoginze the pain of the children, I felt that sometimes simply because one is an adult our own pain is somehow minimized. With in that grown woman was a child who for what ever reasons had suffered her own pain that lead her to make such a poor decision. Sandra

Anonymous said...

thank you for your powerful prayer for all of us to which l add amen. Misunderstandings can arise so easily and can be difficult to put right. love , Jane.

beth bennett said...

I just came home from my walk and read over what I had written and say all the errors.

Thank you for your wise comments.

love mom {beth}

nancy-Lou said...

Profound words Beth. Love the prayer for speaks wonderful words and with your permission will copy it and keep it. Don't worry about spelling errors...we all know what you mean and spelling is something that many folks struggle with! My best friend is the world's worst speller, but one of the smartest people I know...very creative! This Sunday will be my last one as church pianist, at least for a while! Merna, will be back from holidays. The congregation chose the hymns and I love them all. My favourite is Let Me Be A Channel of Your Peace...did you know the words were written by St. Francis of Assis and the hymn was sung at The Princess of Wales, Diana's Funeral. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Mending things is a good idea.



Don Quixote said...

"There seems to be a terrible misunderstanding on the part of a great many people to the effect that when you cease to believe you may cease to behave."
~ Louis Kronenberger