Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Thank you for the gift of this day! 

I am always amazed at seeing the moon going down as I start out for my walk. Yes, it is darker in the mornings now and a lot cooler. I am immensely happy to be where I am because in some silly way I feel that I am where I am suppose to be. There have been times in my life that I have driven down a dead end road both in the car and in the direction I have allowed my life to lead me. Turning around always has been helpful.

Yes, dad and I watched the debate between Romney and Obama and I wonder who is really willing to change things and make it a more just society.  They seem to want to please everyone but they cannot.  I think it is important as we take time to celebrate thanksgiving to recognize our need to move from greed to gratitude.

Underneath the twists and turns of life there is an under current of joy that calls us to celebrate.  It is good to have a reason to be with family to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Learning to share the laughter and the tears, learning to celebrate the uniqueness of each one of us. 

"Where there is Love God is present."  Henri Nouven 

It is this love that warms the soul and deepens our compassion and our generosity.

I am feeling so much more like myself I was sure my day was headed in a good direction.  I was annoyed at my computer messing up my blog, then I felt sick on my walk but fortunately was near home.

The worst part was driving to the Rest home with I though the milkshake secure and decided to roll down the windows to let some wonderful sunny fresh air in.  Immediately my hat starts to blow out the window and the wind knocks the milkshake sideways.  Grabbing for my hat and grabbing for the milkshake not sure which to grab first!   I  hear brakes squealing behind.  I could just imagine the person saying a few choice words.

At least  Jim was so happy to see me and also the milkshake. The mouse has not reappeared since I screamed.

Yes I know I have a lot to be thankful for especially having the potatoes and carrots all pealed ready to cook for supper.  Thanks dear!


nancy-Lou said...

You paint great pictures with your words Beth. The spiritual message of Jesus tending to all through his love.....and the picture of you driving with your hat blowing off and the milkshake tipping over and the driver's brakes squealing...YIKES..glad everything survived OK! CBC radio asked us this morning, what are we thankful for, this Thanksgiving? I have a long list, at the top is, Manitoba Cancer Care, who is giving our much loved daughter-in-law, Melodie, wonderful care as she she fights against cancer. Also I am thankful for you, Beth, who brings a smile to my face each morning as I read your write with sincerity and humour. Nice picture of you with the gentleman at the nursing home. Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

PS We are having an intense storm, with high winds, snow, and ice which is causing major power outages in may areas, including ours as well as terrible highway conditions. This is early for MB.....hope it improves for a while yet!

larry bennett said...

Nancy-Lou - you guys are the REAL Canadians - us sissys out here really have no idea what a real winter is - yes we do get a few bad storms, and a few power failures, but always know within a few weeks at the worst it will be over and we will be back to the dreary, dark, rain. When we moved out from the prairies we couldnt stand the rain.

beth bennett said...

What a storm you are having . Do you have power?
Prqyers for you all. love beth

Anonymous said...

Where you or dad driving? I worry about you walking in the dark mom. You need a walking partner. Did you read our newspaper about the journalist that was killed walking home from the pub? She only had to walk 800metres.

Don Quixote said...

“If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.”
~ Lewis Carroll