Monday, October 22, 2012


There is the natural and the supernatural
There is a beginning and an end to life.  I hope we graduate from the natural to the supernatural!
I believe that the super-natural realm exists
because there has to be more to life than just existing & exiting.
At church on Sunday morning we were reminded it was world food day and about all the people who are hungry, when we have so much.  Through the power of love and compassion we can help and serve those in need.  I was glad that we can give through our church,
After church we went out to lunch with Sandra and Randy.  It was a wacky and chilly day but felt good to be together.
I have been in many church services and although others may make fun of believers caught up in the act of worship;  I have seen on the faces of many young people caught up in the spirit of love and worship a reflection that lights up within.  There is now proof, scientific discoveries,  that when God is mentioned there is also an activity in our brains. 
"Perhaps the intense brain activity is connected to the experience of awe and the expressions of rapt wonder.  Beyond belief in the mystery of the supernatural-that which is clearly beyond our understanding-is there anything left to captivate us, or is the mystery lost in a universe that can now be scientifically measured and micro-and telescopically explored?"  Greta Vosper
I believe in the power of the spoken word that calls us to fight for justice and truth, goodness and beauty,  People lose faith when God does not answer prayers.  We have given Him more too much power.  We are reminded again that we are the hands and feet and eyes of this higher power.  We are reminded of what we value like dignity, forgiveness, love and compassion.
Our thoughts we now center on all that is good, on all that we know is worthy, all that is true and has the power to heal and restore all who have lost their way.  I am thankful to be a part of a loving community of faith as our lives are woven together sensing a gentle presence in our midst.  
Dad is off to the dentist this Monday morning.


Sandra said...

Snow on the mountains, winter is here. I was looking to the Edmonton web cam and I love this time of year, when it is cold and the sunlight is clear and you know any day now the snow could start and not stop for 8 months. I envy Randy being able to go up this week for a visit. I made him promise to walk Katie the dog for me. Sandra

Shawna said...

Sandy, Katie can't wait for all the walks that she is going to get when Randy is here! haha. I wish that you were coming here for a visit as well! I miss you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I went to the dentist today as well. Jesse got into the school he wanted .Melina did alot of work to make it happen.let hope he tries real hard!!

beth bennett said...

I have been praying for you all and especially for Jesse. Teen years can be difficult for everyone.
Good for Melina putting all that effort in.
love mom

Shawna thanks for your comments. Miss you too and hope all is going well. Love grama