Saturday, October 13, 2012


There is an autumn chill in the air which even smells different and fresher with the rain. 
Enjoying the beauty that is still alive in the gardens I walk past.  Each day a precious gift of life.
Autumn leaves signal the end of summer.

 Many people are walking by carrying umbrellas even though the rain is light.

I am praying for an umbrella of love to be over the home of our friend Robbie.
 I am praying for Robbie, a truly wonderful, generous and loving mother and grandmother, to be surrounded with the peace and love of the Spirit.  Her time is coming to end her journey in this life.

"The word has gone out and been passed on by the wind, the air washed clean by the rain, the hawk told a passing eagle who swooped and soared until the time would come to carry her spirit forward to a joyous rainbow filled with color and the heavens shone with the silent, brilliant mystery of love."

A soul is returning home, home to the light and the glory of heaven. 
These words are taken from a poem called leave taking by Sandra Bury.
Changed a little.

  Our thoughts and prayers especially with our grand daughter Theresa.

A painful time for all her family and friends who will share many tears and then memories. 


Anonymous said...

Lovely poem mom. The weather is on the improve for my 5 day break.

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, that is a wonderful poem Beth. It brought tears to my eyes. I will add Robbie, Theresa and her family to my prayers, may the Lord be with them all at this difficult time. I will copy the poem so I can read it again and again. I am playing at church tomorrow...just choosing the hymns now.I am picking up my daughter in law...but she must wear a mask as her immune system is down from chemo. We won't have communion tomorrow as a deacon is taking the service hmmm maybe I can "sneak in" a couple of good gospel In the Garden. Our minister is on holidays. Love, Nancy