Thursday, October 4, 2012


Why do I wake up every morning with this urge to write?

It makes me very happy and I cannot express the feeling of joy in writing, I try to write from my heart about my life. I wonder why and yet I know I Must! The point is that I know it is imperfect but it is what it is. The reason I feel called to write lives deep within me, it would appear.

I think that maybe others have a interest is spiritual issues that can help each one of us become better human beings. Foe me this seems to have taken on an endless interest.

Life forces us to change, sometimes our thinking and sometimes what we can or cannot do.
There is a feeling of deep sadness within me when I see the ladies leave the service to go and
make coffee for the lunch later. For years that was me. I enjoyed doing it and I miss it.

But it is not do much doing as being. Being who I am at this moment in time..

Dad is putting pictures on his blog and rewriting some of it. t takes a lot of time.

I wonder about a man who lived and walked hearing and seeing so much pain and yet his love was so strong he brought sight to the blind, breathed new life into the living and the dieing. His life an example of triumph of the human spirit over death. Our of the mystery of story there shines truth that captivates us with words revealing the power and wonder of love!

That amazing love lives within us all as the gift he left for us.


larry bennett said...

Yes I know how much you love to write - I envy how you get up in the dark and peck away. It is good to get out what your soul feels - it is good for others to read it as well. We are very different in many ways - but our love of writing (and reading) has been a source of togetherness for many years.

Anonymous said...

Dad, I read your blog,but could'nt leave a comment without becoming a member.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you got this to post, but now where is todays? I would think writing your blog is conversing with the world, a conversation with the universe. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Larry. please send me your blog link again. Thanks Nancy

PS I didn't finish reading your stories and would like to see the pics you are putting on. You are an excellent story teller!

nancy-Lou said...

You wake up every morning with the urge to write because you have been blessed with a wonderful gift of being able to put things to words Beth, especially your biblical writings. It brings happiness and insight to many and we are fortunate that you are so willing to share your thoughts.
Sometimes after I go to bed I have the urge to get up and go to the piano and play....especially the Duke Ellington jazz I have been learning.